Bit gross but....


Well-Known Member
Jun 7, 2011
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....have any of you found that you dribble more in your sleep since being pregnant?

It's really getting on my nerves, last night I woke up and I had dribbled all down my face, up my face it was in my fringe (don't ask me how) and down my neck! It;s so gross! I keep waking up with a wet pillow, and it even goes as far as my boobs sometimes, it's like all of a sudden I have all this excess saliva!

Sorry ladies, bit of a disgusting post, but just wondering if this is normal! xx
It didn't happen to me yet.... But excessive saliva is a common think to happen during pregnancy. Sometimes is worst if you have reflux too sometimes just happens like increased cm etc.
I suppose you can't do much about it :(

Glamorous time pregnancy isn't it? Men have it so good...
me too, its funny really.. my poor husband having to lay next to me. ive got wind, i dribble and i have so many hot flushes im sweating for england lol.... nice i think not lol xx
I noticed that the other night. Thought it was just me being weird. I kept waking myself up with drool running out of my mouth. It was horrible. Luckily it's not all the time. And I'm sweatier too, but without feeling hotter, if you know what I mean. My legs just stick together more in bed and it's gross! x
Oh my gosh I noticed this last night! Put clean sheets on the bed then woke up with a wet pillow and I was really annoyed! I thought it was just me! x
Yeah me too!! I've never dribbled ever and it started the other nite!! I was like what's going on?? Is my face leaking?? I feel like having to put a towel on my pillow to stop the pillow from getting wet?? X
me too, ive got it, its horrible x
I get a hot head in the night, wake up with sweaty hair - its soooo gross. Not experienced the dribble yet. LOL! x
Yes!!!! Me too. It's endless! I have to keep turning my pillow. It's disgusting! So funny that's another symptom.
I'm completely the opposite. My mouth has never been dryer lol.
I have been known to drool in my sleep pre-pregnancy (the shame!!) but I don't think I do anymore. Hubby would have pointed that out lol.
And when I wake up, my mouth feels as dry as Ghandi's flip flop!! X

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I'm the same as JayJay! Have a really dry mouth and the corners are all cracked! I wake up in the night gasping for a drink, which is annoying cos it makes me pee more!
Well I'm glad I'm not the only one suffering with this!

I'm not sure what I'd prefer, drooling or dry mouth? Neither are very pleasant! x
lol love it ow many of us come clean and admit it when someone else asks it x
Phew!!! I'm not alone! Never been a drooler, now it's become the "norm". I hate it!! Also, noticed that I get sticky legs during the night too. God this pregnancy stuff sure is attractive lol!! xx
I have the dry mouth, I wake up gasping for a drink!
Omg yes! I didn't click on at all until reading this, but I have noticed on quite a few occasions that I've been doing this - I never heard of it before! Glad to know it's not just me hehe! x
I'm not pregnant yet and I soak myself with drool some nights :blush:
I'm in the dry mouth gang! Have been drinking stacks and paying the price by constantly peeing! Not started dribbling yet! My luck it will be tonite xxxx

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