I had mine written
Water birth, dihydrocodeine tablet, gas and air at a push, being very active, relaxing music playing, mininal monitoring, deliver placenta without the injection, delayed cord clamping, skin to skin
My waters went but i didnt go into labour myself
So had to be induced 24hrs later
So induction = no water birth, constant monitoring, therefore couldnt move about. Forcing your body to labour hurts more so ended up getting diamorphine at 6cm. Baby got distressed. They had to scrape his head to draw blood when i was in labour bless him. There was too much going on. So i couldn't stand extra sound (all that music we downloaded was pointless lol)
He came out floppy and blue with cord round his neck. So they had to take hm away for oxygen. So cord needed cut straight away. I figured... Nothings gone to plan so far... Just gimme the bloody jag to manage the third stage of delivery lol
So its worthwhile having a plan of preferences in mind... But yeah... Be realistic itll go how itll go x