birth nightmares :-(


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2010
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anyone else keep having nightmares about giving birth?? Im absolutely terrified! I have the lowest pain threshold ever and since my family live a long way away ill only have my OH there for support and im afraid he will be useless!! :-( x
heres a couple of my nightmares:
baby came out with skin like pastery on a croissant and flaked everywhere!
general labour nightmares (but not massively traumatic, just graphic)

i think its very normal but i have read if it keeps you awake and bothers you you should really talk to GP as they can do something about it i believe x
heres a couple of my nightmares:
baby came out with skin like pastery on a croissant and flaked everywhere!

Hahaha sorry not good to laff but that is a little funny bless,

errm first of i really dont think painfershold has much to do with it, ive seen super softy woman have babys like they were shelling peas (sorry ha) and yet some one like me who has got a high pain freshold just couldnt handle it hahaahah

i think alot has to do on the labour its self if baby is in the best right place for birthing etc there are lots to contribute to a birth mediacl and just pot luck

first time round my baby was in the rong place not breach but face up and then got stuck which coursed me a hole lot of pain an section in the end, but yet this one might just pop out heheh

you will be find and it certainly wouldnt worrie about it a womans body is an amazin thing an nature kicks in you will be fineeeeeee x x xx x


as for dreams ive not had no crazy crazy dreams as yet lots of silly ones tho x
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Cherelle, if it helps, pm me, I'm due near you and I'm in Cathays, Cardiff.

I get dreams that wake me in cold sweats, screaming, but that's usual for me :(
I've had loads of weird dreams, the day I got my BFP I woke up after dreaming I gave birth to a boy but it turned out he was a man in a cot telling me I wasn't his mum lol. Some of the other ones I've had have been quite gruesome. Last week I dreamt I gave birth at 22 weeks, baby was fine and looked full term, no midwives or health visitors came to see me was just left. I kept thinking a baby can't survive at this time!

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I dreamt that i made a cut in my belly and lifted my baby out just to have a look at him/her. Then i just DROPPED him/her back in and it was like a big empty hole! Now how weird is that! :shock:

My other scenario which hasnt been a nightmare but i panic about all the time is that when im due, my oh is gonna to be based in Aldershot on a course and im terrified he wont get back on time. Im also terrified that i will keep thinking im in labour when im actually not and keep ringing him, him getting half way here, then its a false alarm. Which i cant really do coz of the course he is on...:think:
Iwill never forget the dream i had when i was pregnant with my 1st and it was nearly 15 years ago now but still as clear as day
I had to have c section but no not the normal way i had to sign a permission form to let them knock out all my teeth to get the baby out my mouth, i had already had the medication to knock me out but it only worked one side and i was trying to escape out the hospital dragging one side of me behind.
happy to report my labour was a good labour and not that painful and definately not a c section through my mouth lol.
Iwill never forget the dream i had when i was pregnant with my 1st and it was nearly 15 years ago now but still as clear as day
I had to have c section but no not the normal way i had to sign a permission form to let them knock out all my teeth to get the baby out my mouth, i had already had the medication to knock me out but it only worked one side and i was trying to escape out the hospital dragging one side of me behind.
happy to report my labour was a good labour and not that painful and definately not a c section through my mouth lol.

Sometimes i think people put haha just for something to write but no joke, laughter just burst out of my mouth and i had no control! :rotfl:
I feel like you hun... everyone else gets through it so why can't we? I am really terrified but we have to do it just think every pain is one step closer to seeing your baby and you never know if you listen to your body you may surprise youself. xxx
Iwill never forget the dream i had when i was pregnant with my 1st and it was nearly 15 years ago now but still as clear as day
I had to have c section but no not the normal way i had to sign a permission form to let them knock out all my teeth to get the baby out my mouth, i had already had the medication to knock me out but it only worked one side and i was trying to escape out the hospital dragging one side of me behind.
happy to report my labour was a good labour and not that painful and definately not a c section through my mouth lol.

My friend asked her little boy "where is auntie helens (me) baby going to come from" both of us expecting him to say her tummy as she'd had a c section and we say he came out of mummys tummy. He said "out of her mouth"
So funny lol.

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Iwill never forget the dream i had when i was pregnant with my 1st and it was nearly 15 years ago now but still as clear as day
I had to have c section but no not the normal way i had to sign a permission form to let them knock out all my teeth to get the baby out my mouth, i had already had the medication to knock me out but it only worked one side and i was trying to escape out the hospital dragging one side of me behind.
happy to report my labour was a good labour and not that painful and definately not a c section through my mouth lol.

Sometimes i think people put haha just for something to write but no joke, laughter just burst out of my mouth and i had no control! :rotfl:

glad it made you laugh, i can laugh about it now but at the time i kept having that same dream repeatedly the funny thing was it was the teeth being knocked out that bothered me not the fact of having a baby out my mouth hehe
Iwill never forget the dream i had when i was pregnant with my 1st and it was nearly 15 years ago now but still as clear as day
I had to have c section but no not the normal way i had to sign a permission form to let them knock out all my teeth to get the baby out my mouth, i had already had the medication to knock me out but it only worked one side and i was trying to escape out the hospital dragging one side of me behind.
happy to report my labour was a good labour and not that painful and definately not a c section through my mouth lol.

My friend asked her little boy "where is auntie helens (me) baby going to come from" both of us expecting him to say her tummy as she'd had a c section and we say he came out of mummys tummy. He said "out of her mouth"
So funny lol.

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you can see the logistics to it coming out your mouth in a childs mind, kids are funny though. my kids know that daddy put the baby in my tummy (younger ones older ones know lol) they think it was rubbing tummy's not far off lol, my 5 year old found out when he was 4 how baby gets out andshe was wetting herself laughing saying to me do you know where this baby is going to come out from, as that baby was my 5th i had a clue, she said it comes out your flossy and rolled on the floor laughing, youd think she would learn how they get in before they get out. I thought that would have scared her but no she still finds it funny.
Iwill never forget the dream i had when i was pregnant with my 1st and it was nearly 15 years ago now but still as clear as day
I had to have c section but no not the normal way i had to sign a permission form to let them knock out all my teeth to get the baby out my mouth, i had already had the medication to knock me out but it only worked one side and i was trying to escape out the hospital dragging one side of me behind.
happy to report my labour was a good labour and not that painful and definately not a c section through my mouth lol.

My friend asked her little boy "where is auntie helens (me) baby going to come from" both of us expecting him to say her tummy as she'd had a c section and we say he came out of mummys tummy. He said "out of her mouth"
So funny lol.

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you can see the logistics to it coming out your mouth in a childs mind, kids are funny though. my kids know that daddy put the baby in my tummy (younger ones older ones know lol) they think it was rubbing tummy's not far off lol, my 5 year old found out when he was 4 how baby gets out andshe was wetting herself laughing saying to me do you know where this baby is going to come out from, as that baby was my 5th i had a clue, she said it comes out your flossy and rolled on the floor laughing, youd think she would learn how they get in before they get out. I thought that would have scared her but no she still finds it funny.

Hehe CUTE! He's obsessed with ben 10 so I was wondering if Ailens on there had come out of other aliens mouths. I did tell him it wasn't an alien I was having.

Rubbing your tummy - ahahaha x

lol, looks as though its not just me then!! Purple hippy - i didnt realise we had more cardiffians in tri 2 :) where are you giving birth? x

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