Birth/Labour experience with second child


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2010
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Hi everyone.

Looking for experiences with 2nd child, from first niggle to birth.

At what gestation was baby born?

How long did labour last?

Pain compared to first?

Please share!!

Erm, mines a bit exceptional! She was born on her due date (first was 10 days over)

Labour length, first niggles about 13.30 was walking round the supermarket so thought they were BH! First actual contraction was about 2pm I think! She arrived at 15.03 i think it was! Active labour was classed as 3 minutes from when my dad rang an ambulance to her being born!

Pain was bad, but not horrific, think cos it was so short it helped, but just before she was born I remember thinking fuck in gona need an epidural :lol: I would hVe been 9/10cm then tho!

All in all i found it a lot easier physically but harder mentally!
Erm, mines a bit exceptional! She was born on her due date (first was 10 days over)

Labour length, first niggles about 13.30 was walking round the supermarket so thought they were BH! First actual contraction was about 2pm I think! She arrived at 15.03 i think it was! Active labour was classed as 3 minutes from when my dad rang an ambulance to her being born!

Pain was bad, but not horrific, think cos it was so short it helped, but just before she was born I remember thinking fuck in gona need an epidural :lol: I would hVe been 9/10cm then tho!

All in all i found it a lot easier physically but harder mentally!

OMG - That was really really quick. So all in all it lasted an hour and a half?? Is that right? Did the ambulance make it in time? Did you make it to the hospital?

How long was it with your first?

Sorry for all the questions.

My 2nd was easy and fast woke up around 6am to use the loo went bk to bed then woke up hr or so later with bit of pain joked to my oh that was in labour didnt relise till half hr later i actually was so got to hospital around 9.15 had him by 9.50 v fast lol my 3rd was bit longer and the after pains with 3rd was just as bad has labour pains wasnt to bad with 2nd xx
1st was 2 days late, from first niggle to giving birth, it was 6 hours. Pain was unbearable but I think it was cos I didnt know what to expect so panicked!
2nd was 8 days early, from first niggle to giving birth was 4 hours but hospital classed it as 54mins! Labour was painful was bearable iykwim, I think cos you've already done it, you cope alot better x x

My first was born 2 days after his due date after a 16 and half hour labour! Little sod!

My second narrowly escaped induction and was born 9 days overdue. Active labour 1 hour 58 mins (waters breaking to her being born) progressed really fast.

Both labours were natural - no pain relief but coped better with second.

Let's face bloody hurts but is worth it!
My 2nd was easy and fast woke up around 6am to use the loo went bk to bed then woke up hr or so later with bit of pain joked to my oh that was in labour didnt relise till half hr later i actually was so got to hospital around 9.15 had him by 9.50 v fast lol my 3rd was bit longer and the after pains with 3rd was just as bad has labour pains wasnt to bad with 2nd xx

Thanks for sharing

That was a nice short labour then! I'm liking these stories.

I've heard a few ppl say that the 3rd is actually worse than the 2nd which is really interesting!!

I've also heard that after pains get worse as you have more pregnancies!

What made you realise you were actually in labour was it your waters breaking or just strong contractions did they start very sore & gradually get worse?

1st was 2 days late, from first niggle to giving birth, it was 6 hours. Pain was unbearable but I think it was cos I didnt know what to expect so panicked!
2nd was 8 days early, from first niggle to giving birth was 4 hours but hospital classed it as 54mins! Labour was painful was bearable iykwim, I think cos you've already done it, you cope alot better x x

Wow - thats amazing. Your first was very short too.

Did you go to hospital with first niggle with your second, you said it was 4 hours, how long was at home & how much in hosp - and when did ur waters break?

Sorry for all the questions, just really interested in finding out how other ppl's 2nd labours went! Trying to calm down my anxiety by thinking 2nd might not be as bad as the first.


My first was born 2 days after his due date after a 16 and half hour labour! Little sod!

My second narrowly escaped induction and was born 9 days overdue. Active labour 1 hour 58 mins (waters breaking to her being born) progressed really fast.

Both labours were natural - no pain relief but coped better with second.

Let's face bloody hurts but is worth it!

Thanks for sharing, its really reasurring to hear your story. I was just under 11 hours with my 1st but was induced so it went straight into strong contractions for the full time.

So anything less than 10 would be better.

An amazing difference between your 2 births, from 16 hours to 2 hours, thats amazing.

1st was 2 days late, from first niggle to giving birth, it was 6 hours. Pain was unbearable but I think it was cos I didnt know what to expect so panicked!
2nd was 8 days early, from first niggle to giving birth was 4 hours but hospital classed it as 54mins! Labour was painful was bearable iykwim, I think cos you've already done it, you cope alot better x x

Wow - thats amazing. Your first was very short too.

Did you go to hospital with first niggle with your second, you said it was 4 hours, how long was at home & how much in hosp - and when did ur waters break?

Sorry for all the questions, just really interested in finding out how other ppl's 2nd labours went! Trying to calm down my anxiety by thinking 2nd might not be as bad as the first.


I had to get my daughter to school so waited at home for as long as poss. Was only at hospital 45 mins before giving birth.
I think my birth stories in my sig, have a read chic x x
Forgot about this :blush: from first proper contraction, it was under an hour :shock: the ambulance made it about 5 mins after Shr was born, my mum caught her as she fell into the loo! When they arrived inwas lay on the bathroom floor propped up with pillows breastfeeding :lol: their dad haft even answered the phone when I tried calling so he didn't find out til he rang back and my mum shouted "tr baby's here!" midwife had just left a house call round the corner and it was rush hour so she arrived about 30 mins later! I ended up being
Blue lighted to hosp as I was bleeding a lot and had another 3rd degree tear! And my first labour was 23 hours with about 2 hours pushing :shock: so my whole labour was shorter than my
Pushing stage!
That is absolutely amazing ladies, you have no idea how much anxiety has been lifted reading these stories.

Seems like most 2nd births are shorter then.

Massive diff between 23 hours and 2. My friend also had her 2nd in the toilet lool she went into hosp to get checked they sent her home, she got in the door, went for a quick pee & she had to literally jump off the toilet to stop baby falling in - head was out & everythin - she didn't even make it into the bedroom. She went a bit funny afterwards tho, they thought it was the trauma of it - she ended up saying she didn't want the baby ect & saying to keep it in the bathroom :shock: All was ok after tho.

My anxiety for being a long time in labour is slowly being replaced by an anxiety of baby just popping out!! Wld prefer the latter tho!!

It took me ages to realise I'd actually given birth! I was in denial about being preg anyway and thought I had a nice long labour to look forward to to prepare myself! I kinda missed out on the initial bonding cos I was so much in shock! I was just holding her looking at her like WTF?! Then remembered skin to skin and when I got down on the floor to cuddle her it didn't occur to me to feed her for ages either!
Both my labour's have been 'Easy'

Born at 33wks
Went into hospital at 10cm, no pain relief,
Start to finish - 5 and half hrs (prob only 1 hour actually realising i was in labour)

Born on due date,
Went to hospital early as didn't want to turn up at 10cm again (still didn't think it was labour, thought it was BH, but OH insisted we go to be checked out), was 5-6cm at 5.30am had G&A for 3 contractions and was born at 6.45am
Start to finish - 4hours 15mins.

I loved both my labours!
It's been good reading this I wondered the same only my established labour was only 5 and a half hours including pushing with my 1st so im scared it might happen at home, I have a high pain threshold too so which scares me lol
1st was 5 days late 30 odd hours of labour and a epidural

2nd went to hospital as I was getting tightens but no pain and had a bloody show the checked me said I was 5-6cm and could stay in but need to go for a walk around the hospital I walk for an hour got back to the room a 9:30pm and the pains started back to back straight away my baby girl was born at 10:05pm with gas and air i won't lie it was painful but I could put up with it for such a short amount of time xxxx
Me,My Girls & I - how far on in pregnancy did you give birth to your second?

Kellyhook - sounds like you've been lucky both times!!

Lanny - OMG - 30 hours!!! thank god i'm a second time mum loool - massive difference difference in your labours, were u really suprised & were u expecting worse going by 1st experience?


Hi everyone.

Looking for experiences with 2nd child, from first niggle to birth.

At what gestation was baby born?

How long did labour last?

Pain compared to first?

Please share!!


First labour - induction 10 days over. Second - Natural 3 days over!

First labour - about 10 hours from waters breaking till he was born. Second 2 hours!

Pain with induction, I found induction made it more painful. But bearable on G&A and water!

Second labour was pain free, laughed all way through it, got told off by MW. Just did not hurt. I did not know I was in labour until I got to the hospital with leaking waters & was already 9cm dilated!

That sounds promising, hope to god I am laughing.

I was laughing at one point with my first but MW said it was the diamorphine, I literally felt high as a kite, felt like my body was floating towards the ceiling & I was giggling away, had a contraction half way thro a giggle fit & MW walked in & said...are we feeling a bit drunk Michelle - I was like noooo what sort of a thing is that to ask - of course i'm not fking drunk looool felt kinda bad afterwards but she cought me at a bad time!


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