Binzy's Baby 10.09.11 at 11.37pm


Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2010
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Hi all, it's been just over a week since Ryan Luigi was born but I was kept in hospital for 6 days so am only just adjusting to life 'on the outside' :oooo:

So, now I think about it there were signs in the run up that I was getting close, I was particuarly sweaty a few days before and a trip to the supermarket with OH really knocked me out. I had to spend all afternoon in bed. Then on the day before I went into town to OH's cousin's office to pick up some documents and that killed me too, I also had an altercation with an old lady who pushed me on the tram which didn't help matters. I had increased discharge too but this just made me think I was getting closer I never dreamed I would wake up to my waters going.

So I woke up around 7 ish and was listening to my radio for an hour or so when I felt a gush of water. I was pretty sure this was my waters as it's pretty hard to have a wee laying down, so I dashed to the loo and sat there and listened as more came out. I'd left my phone in the bedroom and I kept trying to get up and get it but more would leak out so I waited a while before I made the dash to grab it and the house phone. I then sat back on the loo while more came out and wrote on the forum :)roll:) and called my mum to let her know what was going on as I wasn't sure how I would feel in a short space of time and wether I would be able to contact her. I called my husband who was at work and told him to come home and he told me to call my neighbour to come and sit with me in case I felt funny till he came home.

So, I had a cup of tea but was too nervous to eat and we set off to the hospital and got there around 10. There was no one around and I was seen straight away, the doctor confirmed my waters had broken by doing an internal but I was only 2cm dilated (as I had been 3 weeks before) and no contractions.

I was sent over to the labour ward and put in a room with a howling banshee who was offending everyone in her path. I was strapped up to a monitor which clearly didn't work and assigned a very sweet trainee who reassured me and chatted about all kinds of things while we tried to ignore the woman on the other side of the curtain who was going beserk, vomitting, crying and arguing at the same time. This did not put me in a particuarly comfortable position. The fact that she was in such a bad way really panicked me and they wouldn't let my OH in as this woman was making such a racket. In hindsight this was probably a good thing as he would have been really disturbed by her too and made me more worried. Any way I was hooked up to a drip to induce labour and listened to the woman next to me howl. Eventually she was taken to the delivery room and I had a bit of peace. I started to get mild contractions but they were few and far between so they cranked up the drip and around 7.30pm the contractions came thick and fast, around 20 seconds apart and I was soon howling in pain too. My trainee's shift ended and I got a new one who was just as lovely. Around 10 pm the pain was unbearable and I started to ask for an epidural, the aneasthetist was in the corridor and I could hear them discussing the possiblilty of myself and a girl in the room next to me getting one. At this point I was in so much pain and would have given anything to get an epidural yet the aneasthetist was keener on talking about her recent holiday....

Baby crying will carry on later!
...and a friend of hers wedding photos ...I was starting to get angry and asking when she was coming and obviously she went to the woman next door first...eventually she made it to me and it was a massive relief but so hard to keep still while she was getting the needle in.
My OH was then allowed back in and the nurse told me some people even sleep for a couple of hours after an epidural! I started to relax and was so glad of the break from the contractions but about 15 mins later I started to feel a different kind of pain down below which was the baby's head coming down.
It was almost as painful as the contractions and I thought the epidural was wearing off..
So I was then told to push and started to push the head out when it got to a certain point I was taken to the delivery room for the last few pushes which were accompanied by the most god awful noises I have ever made in my life. I have no idea where they came from!
The baby was put on me and then taken to be washed. I was in a state of shock, I couldn't believe a real live baby was now in the room, the nurses were all cooing over him and asking where my camera was as he had his eyes open and his hand in his mouth and they thought it was hilarious, so one went to get my phone and videod him!
In the midst of my crazy screaming I'd had an epositmy (I have no idea how you spell it) and they told me they had given me 20 stitches in 3 layers. I'm still not sure exactly what they mean but they are pretty sore still.
I then spent a very difficult week in hospital but that's another story, the important thing is that Ryan and I are home now.
I knew your birth story would contain some humour! :love:
Huge congrats again, glad you are both well xxx
Well done, he is really cute and looks like his dad I think. I feel for you re episiotomy, had to have one too and they are not pleasant.
Thanks everyone, Princess, there has to be humour in something so undignified! I'm a bit shy about these things but I was prodded and poked so much in the 6 days I was in there, no stone was left unturned! My 'room mate' and I had to resort to humour to stop us from crying most days as both our babies had various problems..but then the laughing made our stitches hurt more, it was a bit of a vicious circle.
Knopf, thanks for sending me messages during labour, he does look like his dad but he has my nose apparently. I shall try to add a photo here asap!
Aw, congratulations hun. :love: x x

Can't see the photo though? x
congrats hun, sounds like a right time of it, but you did great :) xxx
Need to sort out the photo when I get back on the computer. Sorry ladies x
Gosh Binzy - i can't believe your little boy is here :love:

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