BIGGEST APPETITE EVER!! please reply girls :'(


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2007
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Hey girls..
Ok i'm 9/10dpo and i cant stop eating!!
I dunno what this means.. because last time i got my BFP (chemical) i didnt get this.. so i dont know if its a pg symtom..
Plus i got strange pains in my tummy.. like trapped wind?? any one had this? x
it feels like trapped wind, but like twinges in lower tummy, makes me feel faint when it happen's and realli hurts :'(
I dont know for sure whehter they are PG symptoms, but Im sure I have heard others talk about strange feelings in their tummys like pulling sensations....
When are you going to test?
thanks for replys girls..
Going to test Sunday testmarathon..
i had a prediction of Cheri22 when i started TTC.. she said she could see number 6, so either 6mnths TTC or in June (birth month, concieve month, or month i find out in)
if i Started TTC in Sep, would that make it 5/6 months now?
thinkin if i count Sep..? not sure .xx
If you started TTC last Sept then yes, this would be your sixth month. Sorry i cannot help about your munching habits but i do know that some women do have a large appetite in the early dstages - before the sickness takes over.
Good luck :pray:
thank you for reply :)
For instance.. This morning i have eartin.. 1 piece of toast, 2cups of tea..
and i have 2 baked potato's in oven?!?! and its not even 10am!
(i do eat baked pototos in morning by the way, fills me up usually till late tea time..
But never 2 nor toast, just got a massive appetite, i dont think this is a sytmom, and not hoping on it.
Just strange for me because i never hardly eat?
Ooooh i hope Cheri22 is right, i had a chemical preg in December, and she said it didnt shift her prediction for me..
I dont want to get hopes up tho...
Fingers crossed we ALL get BFP really soon xxx
I was going to do a test this morning as my cycles have been all over. I chickened out this morning as i thought that i have had no symptons at all apart from light spotting last week. Might do one Sunday then x
I also can't stop eating. I am only 6dpo though... I hope it's a symptom!!!
Hope we all get our BFPs this month, Good luck girls :pray:

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