I dunno if i'm imagining it, but i'm sure i can see.. UPDATE


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2007
Reaction score
The faintest line EVER..
I mean REALLY faint, prob because i'm lookin SO hard for it..
Had few strange symtoms which made me test..
*Firstly i cant stop eating and i never have a big appetite!
* Got strange pains in tummy, feels like trapped wind a lil bit but not, lil twinges across bottom
* And last night i was lying in bed, and could taste a really funny metal taste in mouth, and felt bit sick. This morning no symtoms atal tho apart from hungry hehe :-)
I'm 10 DPO? too soon i know. i gotta stop this POAS!
you def wouldnt be able to see it on a pic lol.. comparing it to a BFP (chemical) test few mnths bk, lil line is in same place, could be evap i duno.. its not very pink, but can see line? only looked after about 5mins tho, so cant be evap? oh i duno lol..
As i'm sat here, got lil pullin sensation on my right hand side like O pains, but diff?? lol
Oooh sounding good! Some women get their bfp from 8dpo onwards. Test again tomorrow :cheer:
i think i might wait to sunday *testathon* only got few tests left.. i cant stop POAS! lol
TBH the line really is nothing. i know even the faintest of faintest can be a BFP.. but i really think i've imagined it lookin again lol..
Cheri22 said i'd get my BFP after 6mnth TTC.. or June, 6mnth TTC would be this month..?
She said my m/c didnt shift my prediction.
Fingers crossed we all get our BFP very soon xx
Sorry if TMI, but i've got loads of cramy white discharge, doesnt this mean my bodys gettin ready for AF :'( its more than normally get and abit diff, (btw its not STD or anything, non smelling/not itchy) jus discharge!?
i got a lot of creamy discharge before i got my bfps each time!
Good Luck :pray: :pray: :pray:

I have increased discharge this month to :pray:

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