BFP, doctors get BFN :s


Well-Known Member
Mar 24, 2011
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Hello all...iv been having my HPT as BFP since 12 DPO (today is 14DPO), and all 6 tests (2 different brands just to be sure) are BFP. In the pic, bottom is 12 DPO, middle 13 DPO and top 14 DPO.

I have been using OPks too and since a couple of days they are really positive too (top ones are more recent)

I went to the doctors surgery to be tested and they got a BFN ...this was yestrday and today (13DPO and 14DPO).

I am so confused!


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pics defo look bfp hun dont understand. did theyt take blood to do beta hcg with?
no, they havent done bloods, just urine tests....told to go bak monday...
Omg Hun, that's so confusing. Try a digital one?
Did the doc send the sample away or just dip in surgery?

I'd ask for another test xx
yeah maybe do a digi n good luck with urine tests x fingers crossed x
Sleepy sue, they just dipped it in surgery and told me the result with a minute :s.

Might go get a digi, they cost a fortune tho...grrrrr
Be worth it though, I've had to take a sample in and wait till Monday or Tuesday for results as they send it away. Really hope the digi shows it for you

Are you getting any symptoms x x x
Yeh lol! Here's a list of the symptoms:

1 dpo, nothing
2 dpo, nothing
3 dpo, nothing, bloating
4 dpo, smelly bright yellow urine, alotttt of creamy cm, bloating
5 dpo, smelly bright yellow *urine, alotttt of creamy cm, bloating
6 dpo, smelly bright yellow urine, backache and bad cramping, bloating, frequent peeing, creamy cm
7 dpo, backache, bad cramping, bloating, headache, creamy cm, frequent peeing
8 dpo, extreme backache,bloating, headache, creamy cm, moody, bfn
9 dpo, creamy cm, bfn, small pimples on face now,*
10 dpo, creamy cm, moody, bfn, very hungry
11 dpo, very watery cm,keep checking for af, but nothing, backache, sensitive teeth, hunger
12dpo, woke up with backache and a BFP! , sensitive teeth, hunger, wet down below
13 dpo, nothing, except total excitement! Went docs BFN, so tested again with hpt, another brand and BfP., sensitive teeth, hunger, watery cm
14 dpo, Veryyy hungry...sensitive teeth, doctors test bfn, hpt BFp :s, very watery cm
Oh and I'm also temping, today at 14 dpo, temps are still high
The doctor didn't even bother testing me and said home tests were accurate enough. I think your home tests are right, you wouldn't get that many BFPs. I did a couple of digis as well to see how far along I was, might set your mind at rest over the weekend.
do a digital hun they were on offer in asda last time I nipped in mine x
Oooh, will go get it tomorrow now...true, I'll be totally restless all weekend, and I really don't want t stress
Digi's are £10 for 2 tests :)

Good luck, I think the dr test is wrong.
Charliebear, I think so too, but doesn't stop the worrying, just incase..... Fingers crossed
Ur still v early to test and docs tests aren't as sensitive! I would say the hpts are much more sensitive hence why the bfp on them and bfn at drs
The doctors test are not as sensitive as home test. They dont even bother with them in most surgerys now as they cant usually detect pregnancy untill your 4-6 weeks. Trust the tests you already have amd go back to docs when your a bit further on.
I spoke to the nurse today, she said t hand in another sample of urine Monday think that might show a BFp? I will be 17 dpo then
Doctors tests are like 100 miu! The cheapies are like 10, some 25 miu. I wouldn't worry... test in the next few days. xxx
I reckon ur doc is wrong. Get urself a digi.
My doc didnt even test me... said over the counter are so sensitiv these days that the surgery isnt even supplied with tests.
Then when u get ur bfp on the digi go back to the doc and ask for a blood test xxx

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