BFN but no AF


Well-Known Member
Apr 28, 2016
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Hey ladies, I am wondering if anyone knows anything about my situation. I usually have regular periods between 28 - 30 days max I am now on cycle day 33 and have no AF, took clear blue digital on day 31 in the evening and it clearly said not pregnant. I don't know whats going on as its really unlike my body to do this.
I have been actively sexually active with no contraception for 2 years but properly TTC for one year with no joy, so I am going to see a fertility specialist end of month as I am thinking blocked tubes or something as my OH and I have had all tests at doctors and all has come back fine xx
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Hi hopefulmum,

Sorry you're going through this. It's really so confusing. I had a cycle one month where it randomly went from 26 days to 31. I was convinced I was pregnant but af just showed out the blue 5 days late. I hope that's not the case for you but I just wanted to say it does happen, as painful and frustrating as it is. We've been trying agonist 16 months (20 cycles) with 2 early losses. We got pregnant with our son so easily too! All tests for us have come back fine. It's so hard! I would definitely go to the doctor and get the basic tests started. It can be a long road hun! I hope you get your surprise bfp soon xx
Thank you sorry to hear about your losses xx I have had all tests at doctors done, bloods etc and internal scan and OH had 2 semen test both normal. I never expected it to be this hard, feel so naive. Going to see specialist as from chatting on here I think maybe I have had blocked tubes or something, have you been tested for that? Just because I think that can cause MC?
I don't think I am preg cus I don't feel it, up until a couple of days ago I was getting AF type cramps, now today I feel slightly sharper twinges that I am not used to feeling, I was thinking maybe early MC but then preg test would have showed BFP I think if it was that xxx
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Could just take a while to show up? With my first I took a pregnancy test that was negative but a week later took another one and it was positive so you never know, may just be early days :) good luck x

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