Bf'ing takes forever!


Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2010
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Am breastfeeding Maia, but am finding every feed takes absolutely ages! She takes about an hour each feed, but can be there for up to 2 hours, while I am sat there getting an increasingly numb bum! She eats properly the first wee while of a feed then seems to faff about a bit and I can't hear much swallowing, but if I try to stop her or replace my boob with a dummy she absolutely screams. I don't know if I just don't have much milk, or it comes out really slowly?? Anyone else finding it takes forever??
aaawww hun, i had this with Layla, but it does get better as they get older. The average feed can take up to an hour and more and from what I have been told/read etc, even a formula feed can take up to an hour...

Don't panic or stress about the time etc. The only thing I can suggest is, that you make sure you are nice and comfortable and use the time to catch up on telly that you have missed or watch that film you haven't gotten round to watching yet ;-) Just for some sort of an idea... Layla is 4.5 months now and she can still take up to an hour, although the average feed now I would say is about 30-45 mins. Hope that helps xxx
Yep I agree. My LO did it in ten mins, complete opposite, and I was always trying to round the time up cos was worried he wasn't getting enough, Try and get comfy and have some relax time if you can?! How old is your LO as it wont alwyas be this long for feeds? Keep going you're doing great :)
Had the same issue with Jasmine hun and found it very frustrating an felt like a proverbial milk machine shes just hit 4 months and is now getting better.
At 2 months old I started expressing 1 side first thing in the morning while Jasmine had the other side so daddy or I could feed her using a bottle at night to give me a break and she is so much better for it but as the girls say get comy and get a good book or tv or a film to catch up on.

You are doing really well Jasmine was feeding from like 6 or 7pm till 11pm or even 1am some nights when I was feeding here when she wast playing hunt the nipple :0)
It gets easier hun :hugs: Noa is now loosin intrest in my boobs n I feel rejected! An average good feed takes 15 min now x
Same here! They get more efficient as they get older. Now its a 10-15 min job and that's including both boobs. X
Same as everyone else, ella-rose used to feed for ages, now I'm lucky if I get 10mins and I really miss it!. I got really addicted to various daytime tv and now don't have the excuse lol! :lol:
Thanks all, hopefully she will speed up soon! Really hard when you are waiting to get out the house to do something and she won't stop feeding! Was a good chance to catch up on telly though, till my Sky plus went on the blink and wiped all my recorded stuff, grr! :0)

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