Nnnnnight feeds!!


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2012
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Hey ladies, my daughter is nearly one year old. She still breastfeeds and still wakes at least 3-5 times during the night!

I have tried to drop the last feed she takes at 5am but she WILL NOT go back to sleep without the boob. If i give her the feed she sleeps until 7:30am.


I know that if dropped an earlier feed that would be it! No more sleep for the rest of the night. I am due to give birth in dec, so i am worried that this will contiue even with the new bab, who will no doubt want to be attached 24/7!

any advice please? Thanks
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Do you ever Ignore her? Sounds harsh but Tyler is terrible for this and sometimes if he gets up at 1am and I leave him for 5-10 mins and he goes back off. Granted this isn't a hugely regular occurrence!

This sounds like a lot for a one year old to be feeding in the evening and I bet is more of a comfort than hunger.

Do you give her a late supper before bed? Just a slice of toast or something?

Is it dark in your bedroom, would thicker curtains trick her into sleeping longer?

Is she in her own bedroom yet? Maybe someone's snoring is waking her up?

Hopefully things will improve by November fingers xd.
I agree it's probably more habit and cOmfort than hunger. Why wouldn't she want her mummy and a cuddle to help her go back to sleep. At some point you are going to have to break the habit especially as the pregnancy progresses you are going to need a good nights sleep to have the energy to look after your toddler during the day. Have you tried pick up put down? It's a gentler version of controlled crying and probably worth a go. Hard as it will be I suggest your oh does it rather than you do your little one can't smell your milk. Perhaps do it over a bank holiday weekend if your oh works during the week so he can catch up on his sleep during the day. Most sleep issues are loads better after three nights. I know it's hard but trust me with a baby on the way you need to tackle this sooner rather than later. You will probably find her daytime feeding increases quite quickly too
I think that it is comfort for her yes. I have tried to leave her but she gets hysterical. I pick her up and cuddle her, its calms her down but she wont sleep. She doesnt really take much milk if any either. I am sooo tired!
Pick up put down is when you pick them up but don't cuddle them just hold her lOng enough to stop the crying and then put her down. Reckon more info must be on the Internet about it. It will be really really hard but probably best to just pick a night and say you are not feeding her at night anymore. You will have couple of nights of no sleep but it will get better. Have no idea how you are coping now. You must be absolutely at the end of your tether x
No advice as Im in the same position with lots of wakings at night its so draining after nearly 7 months of 2 hourly feeds so can't image how tired you are and pregnant too! I put Kynon in bed with me when Im really tired just to get some sleep while he feeds
Have you read the no cry sleep solution book? I've recently read it but its not worked for me yet!
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Sarah, i have never heard of that book. I will have to check it out. Thanks everyone x
I have recently bought the no cry sleep solutions book for naps and for sleeping thru the night- not read much but like how they are written and the approach. Ethan fed to get to sleep for about 4 months and then we started trying to gently get him to take himself off doing the pick up/put down thing in a lose way as well as trying to use consistent routine/sleep cues (e.g. change for bed, story book, light projector). It took a fair few weeks but gradually he has got the hang of it and can take himself off to sleep given the right cues and as long as he isnt overtired. It must be hard for u Noor with a 1 year old feeding so often at night and also being pregnant!! I agree that it is more than likely a comfort/sleep association thing and your LO is gonna have to learn that she can go to sleep without mummies booby! In the no cry sleep solutions book there is a whole chapter on how to change this......think I read something about removing them from the breast once they start the non nutritive sucking (the 'nibbling' kinda sucks once they've finished feeding) and laying them down while they're drowsy- might be a good starting point? Book was reduced on Amazon when I bought it last week- maybe worth buying? Good luck xxx

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