Best time to express


Well-Known Member
May 9, 2011
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So in the bid to free myself up and get DH more involved when he comes in from work I want to get into a better expressing routine, but I'm unsure of the best time. I used to be able to get up to 8oz in one session, but only got 2oz tonight. Is this because I haven't pumped for a while? Only managing maybe once a week.

Any hints or tips would be great xx
Ye i would say the more frequently you do it the more you will get. i used to find first thing in the morning and last thing at night before i went to bed the best times, drinking plenty of water and eating oats slso helped me. used to love getting a break from feeding whole oh took over but i havnt bothered recently as he goes ages between feeds and takes less than 10mins to feed but takes ages to express.
When I was expressing it was quite quick to get a decent amount, but I got lazy after Harry's TT was sorted as BF'ing is just easier. But the way I have been feeling recently I think I need that break. Plus Harry feeds nearly every 2hours during the day (but sleeps all night) so sometimes I feel like all I'm doing is feeding and changing him! I will try again in the morning if Harry will give me time lol xx
Ah, it gets easier hun my harry used to feed every 2hrs through the day till he got to 14weeks then all of a sudden start going much longer. hope you get a good break soon :hugs: will do you the world of good. x
Ooooh 14 weeks isn't too far away lol I'm glad that he gets all his feeding done in the day though, cos we get 9pm-6am where he is asleep which is lovely xx
how about doing it last thing before you go to bed, if he sleeps at 9pm and you expressed at 11 then it would fit in ok. that or first thing when u get up but then he might miss out lol
Yes just think of him stocking up in the day for a good nights sleep. i get 7.30pm-4.30am then back down till 7 mostly apart from teething and growth spurts. hes been on same pattern since about 8weeks im dreaming of the 12hours sleeps someday
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I express in the morning after 9hrs of no feeding. I usually get enough for a feed or thereabouts.

My supply is low in the evening so I don't get much then.
I get my best express is first thing in the morning when I get double
What I get any other time.

I was advised that in order to keep
Supply up that I need to express once between 12-4am. So I express at the 2am feed then sleep till 7:30 and get a mammoth amount

Please excuse any typos from my fat fingers!
Tapatalk madness!

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