Expressing Milk


Active Member
Jan 19, 2006
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Hi everyone

I need some tips on expressing milk

This morning i had to go out, so i thought i would express some milk, tried it before and i was useless at it.

So this morning i thought i'll have another try.

I was feeding Aleena on one side, and expressing on the other with a hand pump, i only got 1/2oz. :wall:

Then OH said try with the hand, which i normall do in the past, but only manage 1oz at the most.
Tried it todayand i got 2oz, which i was really happy about. :D

However i would like to express more milk, especially when i put Aleena to sleep.

Any suggestions?
I use an electric pump and express with Ella's first feed. Bearing in mind she's 3 months now so I produce more milk than I used to - I can normally get off between 7-8oz off of my boob whilst she's feeding off the other. This morning I stopped at 6 as I've got some in the fridge from last night.

Definately recommend an electric pump and expressing with first feed of the morning :D
Yeah electric pumps are much better :)

Also, drink a pint of water early in the morning, and massage your boobs before your start. A hot shower can help aswell.

Also when expressing, if the flow starts to slow down, stop for 5 mins, and try again... I can always get a bit more :)

Thanks for the reply

How much were your electronic pumps, and which are good

Not sure?

I weighed Aleena today, and she was little underweight, not happy about :( , shes 8lbs 11oz, a fortnight ago she 8lbs 2oz

But shes very alert and happy
But shes very alert and happy

That's the main thing - watch your baby not the scales :) She is gaining!

I have a mini medula pump - they are approx £43 in Mothercare. Some people find it a bit brutal, but I think it's really good :D
I have the medula one too, yes it is noisy! I sit and read upstairs while expressing though so it doesn't bother me too much.
I just use a hand pump.....I was getting loads no problem to start with but the most i seem to get is 3 oz lately.......I think my lil man is sucking me dry.....hes a very greedy boy! I cant remember the last time my boobs felt "full".
Now im doing the water thing i may have more luck!

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