Expressing Milk


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2008
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Can anyone tell me how much milk i should be expressing for an 8wk old baby, weighing 8lb 12oz please?

Is it just me or does expressing take forever??? in 1hr 1/2 i expressed 2oz, this is only 1/2 a bottle. What am i gonna do when i have to go back to work and have to express enough to keep her going through the day. Anyone have any tips.

Also how should the milk be reheated?

Am i right in thinking the milk is ok in the fridge for 48hrs and its not to stored in the fridge door.

Thanks in advance
Hi Rita,

Expressing gets much easier I promise. Its probably best to get into a good routine of expressing at the same time every day, then using the expressed milk or storing it in the fridge or freezer, then eventually your milk supply will catch up and you will naturally produce more milk to meet the new demand. Its hard, but keep going and it will get much easier. By the time you go back to work, I'll bet expressing will be second nature for you - but please don't worry about this just now.

In terms of amounts, its really hard to tell what a breastfed baby takes. My LO wouldn't entertain a bottle until about 4 or 5 months, and even now takes much less from a bottle than she would from me. She puts on weight fairly well, but can last a whole day if I've left her with OH on 3oz! That's definitely less than she'll usually take from the breast in one day. However, that's just my experience. I'm not sure how many ounces it would be advised to feed an 8 week old baby per feed, but I would advise you to freeze your milk in small amounts (3 or 4oz per storage bag etc) as then you can just defrost what you need and always defrost more (and not waste any - I HATE wasting breast milk!).

In terms of storage, I would check out the info in this pdf - I have always gone by these guidelines.

In terms of reheating, I just stick the bottle in a bowl/jug full of warm/hot water for a couple of mins and test the milk on my wrist (often lick it off too, which disgusts OH!). It should be warm not hot (how I imagine it must be when it comes out of your body).

Anyway - good luck and keep at it - it does get easier, I promise.

Valentine Xxx
Thanks Valentine, thats really helpful.

My boobs feel empty since i expressed the 2oz, now i feel bad for my LO, she wanted a feed and is unsettled at the breast as tho she isnt getting anything. I dont want to deprieve her, whilst my body plays catch-up.
RitaJS said:
Thanks Valentine, thats really helpful.

My boobs feel empty since i expressed the 2oz, now i feel bad for my LO, she wanted a feed and is unsettled at the breast as tho she isnt getting anything. I dont want to deprieve her, whilst my body plays catch-up.

Don't worry, I know this feeling well - just keep letting her suck and she will get something - your body is constantly making milk.

Drink, drink, drink water too!

Valentine Xxx

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