Benefits of leaving the cord attached to baby longer???


Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2010
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Hey girls...
I was talking to a mate over the weekend, whos a nurse and recently had a baby and she recommended that i should ask for the cord to remain attached for a lil longer than normal and have lil one on my chest if possible. It prevents baby having a shock, which is what happened with my last baby. It sounds like a great idea, but i am having a just wanted to ask u guys if anyone knew much about this and if itl be possible taking into consideration il be having c section?? Wont be seeing my consultant til mid oct...
Any advice will be very much appreciated :) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:oooo:
I was wondering about this as I've read on some people's birth plans about waiting until the cord stops pulsating - if it's better, why don't they do this as a matter of course?
I've put this in my birth plan, I like the idea of the baby having a gentler transition to breathing oxygen by itself instead of getting a shock when it is cut off, plus the blood that would pass across seems like it has some good benefits.

I don't know why it's not done as a matter of course. I guess it's partly personal preference, also in some cases I don't think people know about it - I didn't until I watched a programme on telly about a home birth, also hospital staff have a routine and set number of things to do with the baby after birth and the injection to help the placenta be birthed is one of those - don't think you can give it with cord still attached.

I have no idea if they can do it with a caesarian, I would imagine that because they would want to stitch up the uterus etc as soon as poss to prevent infection that would be why they didn't do it but well worth asking if you're interested in it.
It's already part of my birth plan and that info is great! Thank you! x can't help regarding c-section and cord cutting but regarding skin to skin you should be able to still have this even if it takes someone else to actually hold baby to you x
is anyone planning on having a lotus birth? Where the cord is not cut at all and you take the baby (plus placenta attached) home?

Apparently the cord will fall off naturally in a few days and then you can either bury or eat(!) the placenta.

It's not one for me I'm afraid :lol:
as you can probably imagine, it is quite popular in Brighton
It doesn't gross me out or bother me but personally I wouldn't do it x I liked merv mums placenta art! Again it's not something I'd do but I really liked the art! x
great thread and i am now going to add after pulsating is the cord to be cut! x
Ive read so much on it....girls if ur planning to have normal delivery, defo let the cord pulsate for as long as possible, even 30 seconds makes a difference. Just hope i can do it even tho ive have a c section :) xx
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I'm not sure if they would do this in a section, but def worth asking your consultant next time you see her/him, as 30 secs to a min is not really that long, and they can check baby at the table fr that time, unless medical reasons to cut and take baby to the other area where they check out baby and help with oxegen etc.
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Thanks hun....yeh i will ask midwife on thurs and if she doednt know then may ring consultants secetary as dnt think i can wait til mid next month for an answer lol x
let us know what answer you get, im having a section too, fingers crossed they can do it, even if for only a min or so.

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