Fetal hiccups


New Member
Dec 3, 2009
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Hello everybody :)
I'm new on this board.My name is Lana and I'm expecting baby #1.I'll be 30 weeks tomorrow.
Recenlty there is something that's been bothering me,so i decided to join in and ask ur opinion.

Is such thing as excessive fetal hiccups?My baby has been getting hiccups for weeks now.
I started feeling them around 26 weeks but I heard them on the doppler way earlier.
The last weeks she's having the hiccups at least 4 times a day,10 min each time.I read someplace that this might means that there is a problem with her cord,but the info i got online were contradictory.

Have u heard about this? Have u doctor told u to report increase fetal hiccups?
My baby's heart beat is 130-140 on the doppler ( it used to be around 150 )
but i dont know if this is something worrisome.
She moves quite often as well.Im not feeling kicks anymore as much as rolling and stretching.

Any advice/opinion will be greatly appreciated.
Thank you and have a nice day :)

Welcome to the forum. I mentioned this to my MW with my last pregnancy. Towards the end she seemed to have hiccups at least once or twice every day. I made the mistake of Googling ( :doh: ) and found the info about the cord being restricted. My Mw said that is extraordinarily rare and it's more likely that you just have a hiccupy baby who is practising breathing a lot.

When my LO was born a few weeks later she was just that - a very hiccupy baby :D

Try not to worry and if you are really concerned then talk to your MW and get some reassurance.
I read that online too when Toby used to get them all the time - I never had them with Sam so it was all completely new to me! After mentioning it to a few pregnant friends they were amazed that Sam had never had hiccups, as they're so common - one friend's little girl used to get them every couple of hours every day for the last few weeks of her pregnancy - and she's now a very lively 1 year old! Toby still gets them all the time now that he's on the outside too... lots of fun when I'm trying to feed him :lol: I'm sure it's nothing to worry about :hug:
Thanks ladies :)
I try hard not to worry, but it seems stronger then me.I'm seeing my doctor on Tuesday,so I'll ask him then.
I was also told that baby hiccups are very common but it worried be coz my girl's having them very often.Even during her first u/s at 12 weeks,she had them.I really hope that everything's fine :/ and I'll have a hiccupy baby :)
If she's had them since 12 wks I'd say there is nothing to worry about and she's just prone to them :)
If she's had them since 12 wks I'd say there is nothing to worry about and she's just prone to them :)

It's what i think at least.She was bouncing in rhythm lol The tech said she might have but wasn't sure since she was a beginner.I sometimes use the doppler to listen to her hiccups and i realized that i've heard the same sound even before,while i wasnt able to feel her move yet.
My LO gets hiccups loads too. About 3 times a day for 10 mins a time xx
If she's been doing it since 12 weeks I wouldn't worry at all. If there was any sort of problem with her cord your midwife or sonographer would have picked it up long before now - looks like you'll just be having a hiccupy baby :D x
I had a very hiccupy baby all though pregnancy and up to about 4 month old. I had a 4d scan and was lucky enough to watch baby practice breathing promptly followed by the hiccups :rotfl: When babies head was engaged I vividly remember trying to explain to DH what it felt like to get hiccups in your bum
Thanks for the replays :)
I had scan at 19 weeks and my doctor doesn't make another one if things look good then.No one mentioned anything during this scan.It was the anatomy one usually done at 20 weeks and i dont even think they check for the cord.
I had 2 other scans,private 3d ones.During those I saw that the cord was near her face and i asked the tech if its wrapped around her or just near,she said its near her nose..That's pretty much all i know about it.
I wouldn't be worry if i werent googling this stuff and read about the worst case scenarios.
I really hope it's nothing..
Yesterday she had hiccups 5 times and today already once but it lasted about 20 min.
I wanted to call my doctor, but im sure he will say its normal.I'll wait till Tuesday when i'll see him and i'll ask.
ooh im 30 weeks today too!! mine is hiccuping lloooaaadddsss too . im hoping theres nothing wrong but my mw seemed to think all was normal!! i hav to say i love the hiccups tho :D xx
The cord is one of the things checked during the anomaly scan - they look to see that it has 3 vessels in it, and you'll probably find it written somewhere on your notes. Both mine have had the cord up by their faces in 4D scans too...it's quite normal for them to get all wrapped up in it as they move around but it's nothing to worry about x
I always thought it was the baby swallowing their fluid and practising their breathing :)

I wouldn't worry at all x

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