Just came back from routine appointment, and I mentioned that I have an additional growth scan on Tuesday. (I'm having the extra scan to check that the baby is growing OK and that there are no blood clots in the placenta or cord, due to something they picked up at my initial screening...) She said "oh that's good, because, how can I put this without worrying you, um, the baby does feel rather 'dainty'."
She says that while my measurements aren't too much cause for alarm, it always seems to be sitting very 'neat and compact' when she has a feel. Now, I know I don't want to push a whopper out, but I must admit I am feeling a bit worried! I used to be quite excited about going for the next scan but now I just feel scared!
On the plus side she thinks baby is no longer breech - yay!

On the plus side she thinks baby is no longer breech - yay!