belly button pain


Well-Known Member
Nov 17, 2009
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just wondered if anyone else has had a quite painful pulling pain in there belly button??
did the silly thing of looking on the internet and it came up with appendicitis!!! :shock:
also feel alittle sick just wondered if it could be a ovulation pain?
advice would you ring nhs direct it keeps coming and going
Hi Louise

I would go to your GP if you are concerned but tugging in the stomach can also be a sign of pregnancy

Good luck :dust:
thanks chellybaby havnt had them again to day just bad backache

hows you have you tested? or any signs pointing to pregnancy fingers crossed :dance:
Hi Louise

Im fine thanks.

I tested yesterday, :bfn: and I'm due AF in two days. I have got cramps in my lower back, really tender bbs and trouble sleeping but other than that i don't have any symptoms.

Thinks the :witch: is going to catch me this month :(
:hug: try and be positive lovely your not out yet!!! the backache, bbs are great news lets hope you get your bfp its so horrible waiting are you always dead on time??

my 20 preg test arrived this morning so im going to start testing tomz not that it will show anything but it will be fun :lol:
Im trying so hard to stay positive but this is our tenth month of trying.

Im usually regular give or take a day so hopefully i will find out in a day or 2. u?

Ive got a CBD in the house but dont want to waste it so will have to refrain from testing
heard great things about the cbd but i know they need a stronger amount of hormones in your wee think its about 50 i would save it easier said than done tho :lol: lets hope 10 is your lucky number and you have cracked it this month :dance:

got over 10 days yet so long wait for me yet its the worse part the wait afterwards

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