Being Induced


Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2006
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As I'm nearing the birth time, I got to thinking about some of the birth stories I've read on here and just wondered what the general feeling about being induced was?
Personally I would refuse being induced before 42weeks unless there was a medical reason, same way as I am choosing home over hospital birth, what's your feelings on it?
I was induced just after due date due to a long term existing kidney condition.

I think with future pregnancies I WOULD look into going closer to 42 weeks unless it was high risk to the baby or I. I think hospitals naturally 'play it safe' but we were nowhere near ready and I do think that had a big impact on our experience.

It's not so much being deprived of the 'grab the bag' moment, more that the 0-60mph-type pains can be difficult to deal with when you've already been in hospital a while. In our situation it led to loads of pain relief and an assisted delivery, whereas I think I might have lasted longer at home.

The whole process took so long (4 days) that I was so knocked about my kidneys were in bad shape and it took me a while to recover. I can't help thinking a 'natural' labour may have been better but it's easy in retrospect.

Stanley's here and healthy and once it's all over that really is all you care about!

Good Luck
if i havent gone into natural laobor by thurdsay i have to see the consultant and they will give me an induction date as i have blood pressurre problems and gestational diabties so im hoping they will say next weekend rather then next week.
i would rather go naturally but i am so fed up now that i really dont care anymore.

becky xx
I personally don't want to be induced unless absloutely need be.......obviously of its best for me & baby I'll go for it, but in an ideal world I'd rather my body made the decision it was ready, as it would have prepared itself, rather than it getting a kick start from cold if you know what I mean.

I'm hoping I don't have to get that far.... :pray:
I would prefer not to be induced...They say in derby they let you go 12 days over, at the mo though it is all up in the air for me and they may have to induce me anyhow but that will be for medical reasons.

I have always planned to have a hospital birth ,I think possibly becuase i used to be a nurse I am very comfortable in a hospital setting and like the reassuarance that people and equipment are around should i need it.
i refused induction when i went overdue, to me being induced because you go 10-12 days over your dates is unnecessary. it massively increases the risks of an assisted delivery or c section and in my opinion poses more of a risk of complications than letting you body do it when its ready. i too booked for home so midwife started membrane sweeps from 40 weeks +1 to try and get me started. i would have been scanned to check placenta on the saturday but he was born on thursday.
My original thought was that I would avoid being induced unless there was a danger to the baby. I'm so fed up now I think I'd agree to an induction tomorrow if it was offered! Just want the baby out!!!
due to OC i was induced at 37 weeks. i was told if alice hadn't been born (or was no where near being born) in 48 hours i was going to have to have a c section.

when i got to the hospital i was a 1cm ditaled anyway!

i loved the fact i knew when to expect alice. everything felt so organised. i was so worried about something going wrong, but i was so well looked after.

tbh everying happened a lot quicker than what i was expecting. i had expected to sit and feel nothing. i wanted my waters to go themselves and they did at 2 in the morning!! :cheer:

i would happily have another induction. but i did feel i missed the whole "is this it" that you get cloesr to the end.

I was induced 1 week before Ellie was born and didn't find it that bad. I had to be induced as my waters were breaking very slowly and they were worried that Ellie wasn't growing properly. I didnt find it that bad i was already 2cm dilated though! I was only in labour for 5 hours aswell. If i had to be induced again i wouldn't have a problem with it at all.

I had to be induce4d due to my waters being broke but TBH i would of rathered not as i had to be stuck in a hospitaol bed , but you got to what you got to do
Emmylou said:
I personally don't want to be induced unless absloutely need be.......obviously of its best for me & baby I'll go for it, but in an ideal world I'd rather my body made the decision it was ready, as it would have prepared itself, rather than it getting a kick start from cold if you know what I mean.

I'm hoping I don't have to get that far.... :pray:
Thats my view on it too

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