Being heavily pregnant during the summer....


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2010
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Is anyone else worried about this?! My sister was pregnant during the summer with my niece, and she struggled. I don't cope well with heat in general, but to be heavily pregnant during those hot months is scaring me a bit!

Has anyone been pregnant during the summer with a previous pregnancy? How did you cope?
My son was born i July and ive gotta say it wasnt 2 bad, i wasnt 2 uncomfortable, the only thing i was aware of was that i probably looked huge in any summer clothes!!! and the benefit of a summer baby is lots of walks with pram and days out with nice weather! all the winter mums i speak 2 say they were desperate 2 get out with their pram but weather always kept them in. this baby will b july aswell. x
i love the sun.. im one of these girls who lies out in the sun for hours just baking!! im not too worried about it, if i get to hot, my daughter has a 8ft swimming pool, so will just live in that if i get too hot!! xx
My daughter was an August baby and I didn't find it too bad actually. I think the warmest days was when I was in hospital having her! In 2007 the summer wasn't that hot. After I had her though we could go out on lovely walks and didn't have to worry about her getting too cold. Was lovely having a summer baby :)
My son was born in november so i went through all summer with him it was horrible i couldnt go out because everytime i did i pasted out and it looks like i will be pregnant again through summer. I thank my second for been premature because overwise would of gone through summer carrying her aswell. I think its awful been pregnant during summer. xxx
im due late august so i shall be heavily pregnant durring the summer
i hopee i cope okay i LOVE the sun to bits and im always outside whenever there is a glint of sunshine. Plus were moving down to bognor regis in march (the seaside) so im guessing ill be outside all the time if its sunny
i just hope im not too uncomfortable xx
I suppose everyone is different. I don really like the sun once i get a tan thats it no more sun i cant stand been hot. Am one of them ppl that like the rain i think its soothing. xxx
Hi Lulu, I had my first baby at the beginning of August and it was quite a hot summer, I don't really cope well with the heat and my DH came back from work one day with one of those tall fans (you know the ones on a stand) and when I got too hot I just sprawled on the couch with that going. It was fantastic!!! (Due in September so I think it will be coming out again, has got me through 2 pregnant summers so far!) x
im due 4th july this time, and its one of the best things (im hoping) havin a summer baby

my son was born in october and it was horrible, ghes was ill all time coz it was cold, it took for ever going anywere coz he needed loads of layers on, (imagine being ready to go 3 layers later an you have to stop and change ya baby coz he pooed of been sick) you dont go out hardly coz its rubbish weather wich in turn depresses you no no to a winter baby ever againm cant wait to av a summer baby

regards carring a baby in summer i wasnt to bad with my son as i wasnt to big in summer, but im sure it wont bother me this time infact cant wait to take my son feeding to ducks an for pic nics with his new sister/brother it will be ace
Oo, yorksmummy, we'll definitely be buying a huge industrial sized fan, haha! Well I'm due late august, so could possibly be a september baby, so I won't get that much time to go out for summer strolls before autumn sets in. Hopefully it will be an indian summer :)
us pregant woman are meant to feel hotter around this time a year then other people sleeping i wud say is worse because its so hot lol but you would normally have trouble sleeping towards the end of your pregnancy anyway because of being so big x
Oh AND....... I had a freezer stocked with ice lollies!!!!! x
My sister bought a portable air conditioning unit when she was heavily pregnant mid summer, was a lifesaver for her!
Don't worry too much, you will cope! I was heavily pregnant and due sept 21st and OH bought and air conditioner, it was a god send!! Loose clothing really helps, or as little clothing as you can get away with, lots of cold drinks and a never ending supply of ice lollies!

I'm doing it all over again, due september 29th this time! Looking forward to the lollies and an excuse to just relax and enjoy the summer.xx

Teenmum17- I really want to move to Norfolk to be by the sea. I love it! Being by the sea (especially when it's sunny) makes me feel really happy!! When are you moving? xx
My sister had a July baby and she seemed to cope ok considering she isn't very good in heat, but the only real suffering was her having HUGE swollen elephant feet which was apparently due in part to the heat.

They were gross, you should have seen when she tried putting sandles on :shock:

They went down again though :)
im due end of aug/beginning of sept. Hoping it comes sept though as i dont want it to be the youngest in its year! Not looking forward to working in the heat, will be nice at weekends though. Hopefully this summer is not too hot!

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