Being brave


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2006
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Well decided to be brave and post in the first trimester.

I'm 26 and found out on wednesday that i was pregnant. But.....i'm struggling to get too excited as this is the first time i've had BFP since my miscarriage last November.

I did 2 tests: 1 on weds with fmu, 1 on thurs with fmu, and both times the line came up within 3 minutes. They were only cheap ones though so wondering whether to believe them but had loads of other symptoms too.

Every little twinge i get i panic and i'm constantly checking to see if i've started bleeding.

From my dates i think i'm about 5 weeks and 3 days and i am going to the docs on Wednesday to get it confirmed. Do you think i should request an early scan to put my mind at rest? or hold out until i'm 12 weeks??

A very scared
I was totally the same, I had a mc at the begining of '05 and got my BFP july '06. I spent at least the first 3wks convinced it wasn't going to continue, i got an early scan at 8wks and saw his heart beating away--- I don't think me and OH have ever smiled so much in our lives :D :D
I would try and get a scan if you can (you might have to be a bit 'pushy')it will make getting to 12wks soooo much easier for you.
Big congratulations and take care :hug:
Congrats and welcome!

I too had a loss in Jan 04 and this is a surprise for myself and husband!

Definitely ask for an early scan, I went to my Drs and they offered me one at first appt, just waitin on a date! Can't wait, will help me relax, even if just a little bit!

Good luck, and heres to a happy healthy pregnancy!
congrats on the pregnancy...most Docs just accpet you are if you have took a posiitive test.

I would defo ask for an early scan ..i have no idea the crieteria for getting one but certainly worth asking

good luck for a healthy pregnancy
congratulations again :cheer:

i went to see the doctor n asked about an early scan cos of m/c in may and he said he could see i was worried and so said he would book me in for a scan at 8wks
i think you should go and speak to your doctor and ask about an early scan to put your mind at rest :) so you can enjoy your pregnancy.

i notice from your msg also that we are due on the same day cos i'm 5wks 4days today :cheer:
Hello just wanted to say I am with you on the anxious front, its very hard not to get too excited at this early stage, but I keep telling myself that stress is not good for the baby. I am lucky cos over here in Bahrain they scan you at every appointment (mind you you do have to pay for it but I don't mind). At my first appt the other day they could only see the gestation sac and that was only 1cm so the bubba must be a little dot in there somewhere! Can't wait for next appt Dec 14th.
Try and be positive and I hope you have a very happy healthy pregnancy (that goes for everyone else too)
congratulations :cheer:

have a word with your doc if you're concerned and hopefully you may get one :hug:
congrats! :cheer:

if it will put your mind at rest a little then there can be no harm in asking for an early scan. x
when i went to see my dr they said that as i had previous history of m/c that they would scan me early as well as at 12 weeks...if not, fake some symptoms and take yourelf off to your local epu...but i didnt say that :oops: , i am sure they will be fine though honey...and congratulations...bxx

I also think you should go for an early scan it will put your mind at ease and help you relax a little more. Keep your head up im sure everything will be fine. :hug:
Thanks for the replies girls :hug:

I've got my docs appointment booked for weds morning at 8.50am and definately going to see what he says about having an early scan.

The cramping has totally stopped now, i just get a little twinge every now and then, so i am starting to relax a lot more and not panic so much about everything.

I'll let you know how thhe docs goes.


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