Hi Bagpuss,
Welcome to the first tri. and congratulations again, very exciting innit?!
I found out on the day my AF was due, I had a sneaky suspicion I was preggars as I always got sore boobies a week b4 she was due but they didn't start until the day b4, so thought it was a bit odd.
I'm very impatient so did a test on that Saturday morning (about 6.30!!!! - couldn't sleep coz I kept thinking about it) and got an extremely faint line, i went into the bedroom & woke up my DH in tears saying I was pregnant & typical him said 'well i'm not sure because the line's so faint, wait a couple more days & do it again' talk about p*ss on my parade!!
Anyhoo, I was pregnant (women know best

) and I rang the docs. but they told me I didn't need to see him, just the midwife at 8 weeks, which is what I did, I then saw her again at 12 + 2 weeks on the same day as my first scan, i'm seeing her again a week on Tues.
Hope you don't get any morning sickness or too many symptons & have a fab. pregnancy. It must nice to be able to go through it with your sis, wish I had one to experience it with!
Take care hun & keep us posted on how things are.