Been told I dont have to go overdue if I dont want to..


Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2010
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I have just been to MW and we been talking about the birth, as I had a hard time with my daughter in labour, she said I could be induced if I wanted to earlier (dont have to go overdue as I did with my girl 14 days..) but I know when you are induced its more painful than natural birth? I am not sure what I want to do, as I am really nervous about being in so much pain again and I found it hard the fact the birth was so quick...

Really confused and a bit nervous ..
i was induced with my first son he was a day late, but my back waters had gone so i had to be induced. i was 3cm dilated and thought i was dying so i had an epidural i was in labour for 12 hours. my 2nd son was 5 days late i had a sweep the day before he was easy peasy, i just had gas and air it took me 1.5 hours. do what you want, i personally wouldnt like to be induced x x x x
Honestly, I don't like the idea of being induced at all but would go with it if I had to for baby's sake. I've heard that its more painful cos the contractions are more intense and the fact that it puts your body into labour when it may not be ready for it yet.

But then again, there's always the flip side, where I've heard that ladies have had a positive experience of induction...I think its more the unknown that terrifies us.

If someone could sit me down and explain to me, well you're gona feel this and its gona feel like that etc then I don't think that I'd be as PETRIFIED of giving birth! Everyone's experience is different and no one person is gona be able to tell me how my birth is gona go...mores the pity :shock:

Where you induced the first time around? x
Yes I was induced last time and I found it extremly painful, the labour was quick and I didnt get any painkiller ( I had the baby where i am from and they didnt offer me painkiller or epidural...even I begged for it) so I think it maybe was more painful because the contractions was so intense and I didnt get rest between the contractions.. My sister just had the baby and she wasnt induced and her birth wasnt painful at all!! So I kinda hope to go without inducing this time but same time I dont want to go overdue like 14 days!
I was induced and although it was my first baby, I can honestly say I didn't think the contractions were that bad. Theyll give you a pessary first off to try and get things moving and if that works then your body will do everything naturally so itll be just as a normal labour would be. If you end up with a drip though, thats when the contractions are being forced upon you which makes it more difficult to cope with.

There are lots of positive induced labours so if your considering it, don't be put off by the bad things you hear about it.
No I was induced with my first child so for me it was very hard, but maybe it wont be the same this time?x
I was induced but it was because baby's heart stopped, she was born ok though, but the labour was horrendus. I had to have an epidural and diamorphine mw's at the time said it was more painful because I was induced.

Also i've heard that most people who get induced need epidural, but not sure how correct that is.

I really dont want to be induced with this one, I want to wait and see what its like to go through labour naturally.

I would not like to be induced if I can help it - may prolong the agony.... I would just wait and see what happens
Yes I was induced with the pill and drip and had NO painkiller whatsoever, this time I dont want to go through that again...
Well I wasnt induced , but I was given drugs to speed labour along and found it made things very painful very quickly . However I was pleased because I was very tired getting my labour established . I dont know if I would opt for an induction unless I was advised it was nessecary because from what I have heard it can be slow and difficult for mammy and baby ? I'd have a good chat with your midwife before deciding anything definate xxx

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