been to the doctors...


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2007
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and it was a she not a he and she was lovely

After telling her about everything last week - she asked to do an internal as she felt I had probably had a miscarriage. She said that my cervix was wide open (see told you :wink: ) and that my womb was still a little bulky :? and so it was a miscarriage :( She said that my body had done exactly as it should have done when miscarrying, and that as I had no pain and everything looked good I didn't need to go to the hospital or anything unless I was concerned.

She also checked me for fibroids etc and said that as far as she could tell I was clear, but that she wanted to do another internal in a couple of weeks to check the bulkiness had disappeared :?

What she was concerned about was that I have gained weight v quickly, and seemed a little anaemic, so blood tests are being done on my thyroid, as as I've said before I'm the oldest female in my family without thyroid problems.
She also said I have a severly tilted womb (noone ever thought to mention this to me before?) and that may be causing problems with the donation, but she said to take the miscarriage as a positive sign that I'm ovulating and CAN get pregnant. She agreed with us taking a month off, said to rest over the next week :roll: chance would be a fine thing.

My painful and heavy periods may have no cause, she says to think of the heaviness as at least my body is laying down a good nutrient supply for conception each month, and although there are treatments, she doesn't recommend them when TTC as they are all hormonal. She says to come back after having a baby or when we decide not to try anymore and they will definately be able to help, but she recommends leaving well alone atm.

I was a little upset and went to mums for a good cry (and my heavily pregnant v patronising sister just has to be there :roll: ) and still feel like crap now. I really really don't want to go to work tonight, but don't think I can explain why to my male v indiscreet boss :?
OMG hun I'm so very sorry :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

I think you should defo take the night (if not more) off work. Screw your boss if he doesn't like it then tough :shakehead:

If you need to talk PM me or email me(I think you have my email addy)

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
atleast there was some good news though my sister has a tilted womb and she has had 2 beutifull boys :D
cant you just tell your boss your having *womens problems*?
i wish you all the luck for next time though and hope you get only good results from the next internal
manda x
The tilted womb wouldn't normally bother me - my mum has one and bred like a rabbit :wink: and my sister has one and although she had problems conceiving at first - she's now on baby number 2 :D But the doctor felt it may cause problems because of us having packing DH off to the vets for a longer syringe :rotfl:

I have to go into work - else noone can get in or lock up :wink: and the reason I haven't wanted to call in sick over all this is that my new job still haven't requested any references and I didn't want any sickness on my record, I've only had half a shift off in almost 18 months - but before that my sickness record was crap due to a run of bad luck. I was asked about it at interview but they were happy as obviously I've had so little time off - but don't want to ruin it. Actually although he's v indiscreet I may explain and ask to sit the other side tonight just to have some time with Dh and I know he wouldn't record it as sickness. I think I might explain - stuff it if everyone finds out :shakehead:
I'm so sorry, your doctor sounds really lovely and she has outlined some positives for you. Hope you are feeling better soon :hug: :hug: :hug:
I'm very sorry for your loss. I know how it feels, and just know you're not alone. :hug:
oh hun im so sorry :cry:
:hug: Although it isnt very nice it must give you hope that one day you will be pregnant :hug:

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Oh dear Libs im so sorry to hear off ur loss i hope ur ok take care

puppy :hug:
I'm really sorry libs :hug: :hug: :hug: Your doctor does sound amazing. At least now you know that you can get pg from the donation :hug: :hug:
Your doc sounds to have been really reassuring. Sorry for your loss. But in a way it's a promising sign. Allow yourself to grieve- then maybe get back on the roller coaster of ttc again. You know everything is working now- next time round- in the words of the old lottery slogan- it could be you :) :hug:
sorry to hear that libs :hug: take a month off , and get that hotel booked twice again as 2 donations are obviously the key and next time we shall load u sky high with sticky baby dust :hug:
Sorry for your loss, Libs but glad to hear there are some positives there. Keep your chin up and I hope you feel better soon. :hug: :hug: :hug:
sorry libs :hug: at least u got some good advice and reassurance, i want your doctor.

your time will come and we will av one massive party for you. take care of yourself and keep us to speed :hug:

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