Been to drs


Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2011
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Me and OH have just come back from drs, what a waste of time that was, he basically said that because were both over 35 he doesnt think we will be able to get fertility treatment and he gave my OH a tube to do a sperm count. At which point i couldnt keep a straight face because it was me who had the drs appointment, anyway the dr basically said that it could be starting the menopause as i keep getting hot flushes, etc.
Sorry for going on, but now we might as well give up trying ttc.
Don't give up hunnie, you're dr sounds like a right t!t, excuse my language. He can't just make a sweeping statement about the menopause because you have hot flushes, so do I at certain times of the month and I'm not in the menopause. See a different gp babe. 35 too old? My arse xxx
hi cosmic
yeh your right there, he is a right tit and i've registered with a different dr at the surgery now, were still going to try, we:bd: nearly every day, so were not going give up help just yet.
Some drs don't engage brain before they speak and dont realise the impact their flippant remarks have on patients, don't lose hope xx
He also said that because me and OH have got 5 kids between us they prob wouldnt help us anyway as they usually only help people if they have no kids and also because i'm 38 on sun and OH is 45 in oct, we just want a baby of our own pref a little girl as i have 3 boys.
He also said that because me and OH have got 5 kids between us they prob wouldnt help us anyway as they usually only help people if they have no kids and also because i'm 38 on sun and OH is 45 in oct, we just want a baby of our own pref a little girl as i have 3 boys.

Perhaps that is the case but I still think he needs to investigate you both properly, he surely can't write you off before he's investigated your issues? x
Awwww babystar- ur gp does sound like a pr*t!!
Def see someone else!! How dare he say ur in the menapose without even doing any tests!!
If you bd everyday maybe it's too much?! Maybe need every other day give sperm time to recoup x
well hes phoning the hospital tomorrow to see if they will consider us, but i'm not holding much hope, as he said that every county is different as what the age limit is for fertility treatment. if they cant help then he said we could go private but we havent got the money.:(
hi hun sorry about your news thats sucks that your gp was like that with you!!!!

as you and your oh have 5 kids between you i dont think you would get fertility on the nhs :-(
although i do agree that you both need testing to see whats going on, sorry to bring a downer
on you big hugs xxxxxx
What an idiot doctor - I hope you find a more helpful one!
You should go a seek and second opinion, I hate when GP's diagnosis before doing any assessments. Besides people have children all the time in later years of their lives, my grandad had more children in his late 60's my aunt in her 40's so don't give up hope. xx
thanx everyone for your support
i'm giving up hope just yet i know age is on our side, but i'll happen if it happens
Hi Hun,

Sorry you've had a shitty time, all I can advise is that a member who's 38 Gemini Blue, was in the same position as you and her doctor carried out the diagnostic tests and told her she was in menapause and put her on HRT, well she's now in Tri 2!!! :roll:

You need to have bloods, CD1 bloods, FSH, and LH, that should give you an idea of how many eggs you have left and then the CD21 bloods to make sure you're OVing.

Get in touch with Gemini Blue, she's really nice.

hi maybe
well my dr says he wont do 21 day bloods on me as my cycle varies from 35 to 40 day, he says they only do 21 day bloods on someone who's cycle is 28 day.
how did gemini blue find out she was pg and not going through menopause?
God I hate the NHS at times, I had the CD21's when my cycles were longer, you just need to repeat the test a couple of times or if you use OPKs then 7 days after your positive OPK.

Eg- If you were on a 35 day cycle then you would do the test on day 28, for a 40 day cycle then you would do it on day 33.

I would ask to speak to the practice manager and complain.

Good Luck


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