Been pushed into the 2ww, kicking and screaming


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2010
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Ok, I think I can admit now that I have totally messed up this cycle! I blame the flu - I hate you flu! :mad:

My opks are extremely feint now (see my other thread in ttc), so looks like I've missed ov. If not, I caught the back end of it - completely what I didnt want to do. I really thought that that was an early line and today would be darker, meaning we had bd'd early. Not that I know anything about opk's but I was trusting my iphone app (which said ov Sunday coming) and my ticker on here!
Cm was creamy/ewcm yesterday and really ewcm today. :eh:

I'm annoyed about the mess of my bbts - last bbt 9th April (pre-flu) was 36.12 and today was 36.26, god only knows when my peak occured :cry:

So here I am -2ww x
:hug: sorry it's been so messed up this month Hun sending pink :dust: your way xx
Thanks hun, I mean I might not even get a bfp this cycle (look at me panicking like its done and dusted lol).
I have put your pink dust in my pocket and will carry it about for the next 2 weeks - thanks so much hunnie xx
Thanks hun, I will. My only saving grace is that the chinese prediction calendar predicts a girl if I get my bfp this month :) xx
did you :bd: this cycle sweetie! you might have caught! it only takes once!

:dust: for you sweetie!
We did, last night, but that was obviously either at time of ov or just after. I was meant to be bd'ing before ov (which I thought I was as ov isn't due til Sunday!) x
your still in tho hun. you could have :bd: just before ov! any :bd: at all is better than none so you are still in with a chance!

really hope its your month hun.
Thanks Hun, I don't think it was before ov though, my opks today were ridiculously feint :( xxx
God this is dragging lol, anyone else dpo2? Going to do another opk later (because I'm a :poas: addict!), I'm sure there will be no line x
How are we all doing in our 2ww? Any symptoms girls? xx
No one then, just me, all alone in the lonely abyss of 2dpo, *sniff sniff*, destined to wander the 2ww alone :( (or are you all having a lie in while those little eggies snuggle in?) x
Oooh yeah, we could be testing buddies (I like to test early!) xx
Well last cycle I tested at 6dpo :blush: 10dpo, 11dpo, 12dpo and 14dpo shortly followed by af! xx
Ha! l love it! I have tried very hard not to test at all as each month I've "known" I've not been pregnant so no point testing. Been ttc for 5 months (this is cycle 5) and I've been right so far! Maybe this month will be THE month! How long have you been ttc for?
This is my third/fourth cycle, had mc in Jan. Nice to know I have sone people to test with :) xx

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