been in hospital, finally released me lol


Well-Known Member
Oct 21, 2007
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hi ladies,
rang labour ward on weds afternoon for some advice as could not get hold of my midwife. anyway they thought i had pneumonia as I couldnt get my breath and was wheezy.
after hours of bloods, chest xray, ecg on my heart etc, I was told I had asthma and given an inhaler.they think it is also because i have a big baby and he is pushing on my lungs. anyway they made me stay in for obs and let me out last night,with an appointment for 17th july to see consultant about induction due to biff baby, and asthma. so we will see what happens :roll: glad to be home though!!
:hug: :hug: glad you're out, i was wondering if you'd popped!!!

hopefully you can get some rest, and i hope you feel better chick!

not long till you get to hold bubs :cheer: xxxxxxxx
Make sure you get plenty of rest then hun.

17th July is not that long away!
Hope you're feeling better... glad you're home. Take care :hug:
Glad you are well :hug: Thankfully it wasn't pneumonia!! :shock:

Not long really until July 17th :cheer: Then you will know whats happening. Good luck :hug: :cheer:
oh anna, glad you and baby are ok :hug:

you should have txtd me!! :hug:
Hope your feeling better soon and like all the girls have said get plenty of rest your appointment will come round so quick

:hug: :hug: :hug:

bobs xx
thanks for the messages girls, and sarafet I didnt want to bother you as I am sure you are very busy with your little bundle, dont worry though I will be texting you with news of the birth when I decide to pop! :D

Feeling loads better today, the inhaler is helping a bit, just want these last few weeks to go quickly, at least if they induce me I can safely say I wont be going two weeks overdue, hopefully I might pop on my own before then :wall: :pray:

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