been in and out of hospital..warning to all BF


Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2007
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with a breast abcess :cry:

wrongly diagnosed by the GP twice as simply blocked ducts, ended up in hospial on sunday as it was massive and painful, the lump was the size of a large orange. - SO if you think you have mastitus etc, and its not getting better go to hospital please...i'd hate to think of anyone else going through it, its horrible.

Got referred to the breast clinic where i have been every other day since getting it drained, they took 200ml of mank out of it the first time.

But the good thing to come out of it is that i'm helping to develop a less evasive procedure to leave less scaring and eliminating the need for open surgery on a large abcess.

So keep an eye on your boobies ladies!
u poor lamb! glad ur getting it seen to, take care :hug: :hug:
:hug: :hug: :hug:
Hope you are feeling better soon hun.
Cant believe you doc missed it.

I am currently on a course of antibiotics for mastitis, it is starting to get better thank god
Jeez that is a large abcess, so glad to hear you're OK :hug: :hug: :hug:
Sending very best wishes :hug:
thanks ladies

dont have to go back until wed now...yippeee! hopefully that'll be the last drain (esp as i have to keep my wound open which is a nightmare as it always heals and has to be reopened at every visit). On 1500mg of antibiotics and 750mg of penaillin, just starting the second week of these still feeling a bit rotten. Consultant says i wont know myself when its away as i've had it for so long and its gradually dragged me down.

Isla has no idea mummy has been so ill, and hasnt behaved, DH took over and gave me a few days complete rest...i'd forgotten what it was like to get a nights sleep!

Got to watch my op too as it was recorded for training others with the was pretty :puke: i can tell you. My boob is off to miami in a few weeks for a confrence and then will travel the!
I do hope you start to feel better soon hun :hug: :hug:
Only got today and and two doses tomorrow left of my antibiotics to take however i have woken up this morning with pain in my boob again :( I thought it was starting to get better again.

Gonna have to book me in again at the docs. They only gave me a half dose of the antibiotics to stop Calleigh receiving alot in my milk.
OMG Sparky that's terrible! I hope you're feeling a lot better now?!

:hug: Your poor love :( xx
Ouch, that sounded horrendous!!! Hope you're feeling better very soon. :hug: :hug:

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