with a breast abcess
wrongly diagnosed by the GP twice as simply blocked ducts, ended up in hospial on sunday as it was massive and painful, the lump was the size of a large orange. - SO if you think you have mastitus etc, and its not getting better go to hospital please...i'd hate to think of anyone else going through it, its horrible.
Got referred to the breast clinic where i have been every other day since getting it drained, they took 200ml of mank out of it the first time.
But the good thing to come out of it is that i'm helping to develop a less evasive procedure to leave less scaring and eliminating the need for open surgery on a large abcess.
So keep an eye on your boobies ladies!

wrongly diagnosed by the GP twice as simply blocked ducts, ended up in hospial on sunday as it was massive and painful, the lump was the size of a large orange. - SO if you think you have mastitus etc, and its not getting better go to hospital please...i'd hate to think of anyone else going through it, its horrible.
Got referred to the breast clinic where i have been every other day since getting it drained, they took 200ml of mank out of it the first time.
But the good thing to come out of it is that i'm helping to develop a less evasive procedure to leave less scaring and eliminating the need for open surgery on a large abcess.
So keep an eye on your boobies ladies!