

Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2010
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What time do you put your liluns to bed?

I have the moses basket in the living room with me during the day, But she has a bath + feed around 6/7 and is asleep by 8 in the living room again, then up again at 10-11 when i goto bed for a feed and change, then i move her into the bedroom, low lights, quiet etc..

But all you guys seem to start "bedtime" at like 7:30 !?
What time do you put your liluns to bed?

I have the moses basket in the living room with me during the day, But she has a bath + feed around 6/7 and is asleep by 8 in the living room again, then up again at 10-11 when i goto bed for a feed and change, then i move her into the bedroom, low lights, quiet etc..

But all you guys seem to start "bedtime" at like 7:30 !?

I do the same, Isla goes to bed anytime between 10:30 and 12. Depends when she wants her big feed. Hoping to move her to a bottle soon, so we can get in to a routine.

If I put isla to bed at 7/8 I'd be up and down all night!
I start bedtime at 7:30 she goes in the bath, then when she's out i take her into the bedroom with the lights on low, get her dressed then feed her once she's done with 1 Boob i give her, her Gaviscon offer the Other Boob and once she comes off i put her in her basket awake this is usually between 8.30 and 9pm she then sleeps till between 5 and 6am. if i put her to bed later she's overtired and a nightmare to get to sleep! xx
exactly the same as Esoams! quite glad I'm not the only one.

my girls were in bed by 7 sharp from about 3 months. dunno how I did that lol.

just got to do what suits you at the time x
i try to put noa down between 8-9 to get a rutine. even if hes awake
We've just moved Evelyn into her cotbed in her own room tonight - i'm far too soft so i'm sleeping on the spare bed in her room with her for first few nights! Haha!
She used to sleep on me downstairs until 10-11pm and be down by midnight but she's had a whole new routine tonight.
Bathed at 7pm - fed and was down by 7.45pm (aiming for no later than 8pm) She's still fast asleep now so wish us luck! Haha!
Paige didnt have a bedtime routine until she was around 2/3 months old and now shes in bed by 7pm, if I keep her up even a few minutes later shes not happy.

Before this though, she would spend the evening in the moses basket in the living room and at her 10/11pm feed I just took her upstairs. So not necessarily a bedtime, just a time I took her upstairs.
Charley's in bed by 7.30 every night otherwise he moans. Even if he's had a feed and nap, it's like he knows it's 7.30!! I only started putting him to bed at 7.30 around 4/5 weeks old because I wanted me time in the evenings. I go to bed between 10-10.30 and will dream feed him so I get afew hours sleep before he wakes for a feed.
Momma Kat, im almost exactly the same as you. Aiden has a feed at 6 7 ish and then bath and he sleeps on and off in his moses basket or on me until 11pm ish and then we all go up to bed, do his late feed and nappy change and then he goes down at midnight ish or before in our bedroom in moses basket and wakes up at 7 ish the following morning. Im happy with this because he sleeps through the 'actual night' but I too have been worrying that he should be going down 'properly' at 7pm ish and maybe dream feed him at 11ish. But cant seem to do this yet and dont want him upstairs on his own, even with video monitor. Im just not ready! xx

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