Definitely try having her in the bath with you, they seem to enjoy bath time more if they are with Mummy or Daddy When I do it my OH is always either in the bathroom or within shouting distance so he can be there if there's a problem or to hold Chloe when I'm getting out.
Keep perservering when she realises she can splash the water about she'll have a whale of a time
You can try to have little water in the tub so that she can lie on her back. my little girl seems more comfortable that way! I Will also try to take her with me in the shower.
We do it deep enough so hubby can just support the back of Harry's head and he can float up ad down the bather did have a bath support but Harry didn't like it
When we first bathed Emily, my hubby held her whilst I washed her, and she didn't seem to either like or dislike it. Then we bout the bath support so she lies there while I wash her and she loves it - kicks her little legs like mad. Really fun to watch. We only use a baby bath tho - so no way I can get in there with her!
Have you tried making it warmer?! G used to scream the place down when I did baths, but loved Daddies - then I discovered he made them lots warmer (probably too hot according to the rules) but she loves it. Even now when she goes in the bath with her daddy she likes it HOT. Xxx
The bath I made her just now was a bit warmer than I usually do but she didn't like it! Might try having a bath with her when OH is home one day and see if it helps!
Also try making sure her feet touch the end of the bath, theo used to scream the place down but i think he feels more secure knowing his feet are touching something! Xx
My HV did tell me about the feet thing too, it makes them feel more secure if they can feel the end, and I'd say dont it really deep but make sure there's enough water to always wash over her as she will get cold really quickly on any bits out the water. Oh and don't know if you already do this but wash her face and head first, dry it, and then move on to the rest of the body to stop her getting to cold. Xxx
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