I couldn't wait till the 9th week scan so last Saturday I went and had a scan at 6 weeks. The doctor told me that it is bad because she could not see the baby. She told me that I should wait another week or 2 and do it again but it looks like I will have miscarrige.
She was not nice and gave me no hope. However I read stories that sometimes you can't see baby untill 11th week.
Did any of you had this problem?? Shall I worry or everything can still be fine??
I couldn't wait till the 9th week scan so last Saturday I went and had a scan at 6 weeks. The doctor told me that it is bad because she could not see the baby. She told me that I should wait another week or 2 and do it again but it looks like I will have miscarrige.
She was not nice and gave me no hope. However I read stories that sometimes you can't see baby untill 11th week.
Did any of you had this problem?? Shall I worry or everything can still be fine??