Bad eyesight


Well-Known Member
Nov 23, 2010
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This may sound like a really strange question...

I have terrible eyesight and can literally see NOTHING without my contact lenses or glasses. During labour, I'm assuming that you doze and it could last for hours. Has anyone ever gone through labour with contact lenses in or do you really need to have glasses on. I just think the idea of pushing and going through contractions with glasses on it weird...maybe because I've never seen it on TV!! - which it where I clearly get all my birthing information from (mainly One Born Every Minute..!!)

Anyway, just wondering what people's thoughts were!!

Thanks :) xx
Lol I'm a blind bat too! I'll just be wearing my glasses as I stopped using contacts about a year ago. I'm sure wearing them in labour will be just fine!! I just hope mine don't keep falling off if I end up on all fours! lol

I wore my contacts! I think if I wore my glasses I'd be concentrating on making sure they don't fall off more than labour!
I have to wear my specs 24/7....
I can't see a thing without them, and I can't wear contacts because of a funny eye shape. (Optician said custom contacts would cost forrrrtuuune!)

I'm hoping that as I wear them all the time (I usually even forget to take them off for bed) then it shouldn't be a problem.

I'll let you know in a few weeks! Haha x
I wore my glasses all the way through both labours and births. I can not stand to put things in my eyes so no contacts for me and without my glasses I wouldn't of been able to see the babies! Lmao x
im blind as a bat and i can not even remember with remy weather i ad my specs on or wizzed em half way threw pmsl

didnt av contacts in any way that 4 sure xx
I wore my lenses and it's no problem at all. I didn't have time to doze off though, if only!

One thing my midwife told me was that you should bring your glasses with you incase you need a section as you need to take your lenses out.
Thanks everyone, that's all really helpful. I think if you at least bring your glasses with you, then at least if your eyes get sore or you need a c section you can take them out!!

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