Just found out my DD has to wear glasses


Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2007
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My DD is 2yrs 4 months and today I found out she is long sighted and has to waer glasses, probably permanently.

I know this is not the end of the world and she is a healthy little girl and that is what matters, but I still feel gutted.

I remember kids at school with glasses being bullied, and hate the thought of her having to wear them.

I know she will have the option of contact lenses eventually.

Does anyone else have a LO that has to wear glasses, or a young child at school, how do you find they get on and are other kids OK with it? I know its a little while down the line, but I was bullied and hated my school life. I just feel strange with at the thought of her having to wear glasses :(

Mines dont but there are a couple of kids with them at nursery. They are cute as buttons. Glasses arent what they used to be, they are so much cuter now with lovely frames.

I remember my first pair, national health skelpers. Urrrrrgghhhhh.
I wore glasses from the age of 4. I was very rarely bullied about them. To be honest, the odd time I was, it was just the type of child the bully was and they would have found something else to pick on me about!

And trust me, childrens glasses have improved soooo much recently! She'll have a great choice from 'barbie' to 'spongebob' (my daughter wants spongebob ones but can't because she needs tinted lenses and the clinic can't put them in - she's gutted!)

I work at a playgroup and we have a 2 1/2 year old with glasses. They have never seemed to bother him and none of the other kids have mentioned them in a bad way - they are often curious and wanting to have a turn themselves!

I am sure I will get used to it - I feel daft being upset over it, cos its only glasses, I dunno.

Thanks tho - I bet she will look really cute when she has them - its sort of hard to imagine at the moment.

I suspect it would be harder if she suddenly had to start to wear them at 7 or 8. She won't know any different if she starts wearing them now :D

Ooo cross post - cool I was hoping they would have fun glasses to choose from. I hope they have Peppa Pig ones cos she loves peppa pig!!! Actually so do I hehe!!

Thanks for that, it is really reassuring.

I guess it was just a bit of a shock really. She has a lazy eye and I thought she might have to wear correctional glasses for a little while, but not because she was long sighted and wear them all the time.

Feeling a little better now :D
DD has worn glasses since she was 2. She hasn't had problems at nursery with other kids but is a bit lazy and would rather not wear them - we're just firm with her.

She has a cool pain of "Little Miss Naughty" glasses and has had barbie ones too.
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As the other girls have said, the frames are lovely now.

My little cousin was a similar age and she just looked so sweet! She shouldn't have any problems, glasses are everywhere these days, I wear mine and I love them, I'm always complimented :D
Aaawww thanks everyone, feeling much better now.

Just got to see whether they will stay on when she gets them haha

Where do you go for yours - want to make sure I get the funky frames for her - I want to start right cos if not she will never put them on. She is very stubborn :lol:

I think glasses can really make people attractive - there was a lady at the hospital today who had glasses that really looked great. I didn't realise they had so many options with the frames for kids!!

Thanks again
Best place I've found is Specsavers especially as the staff there are great with little kids, I tried Vision Express and thought the staff were rubbish tbh.
Kate and Lou both wear glasses, Lou has to wear his all the time and it was a pain getting him to keep them on for the 1st few weeks but he puts them straight on as he gets out of bed now he has even gone to sleep with them on.

They have never been bullied for wearing them, and kate is of an age now where i can buy her adult ones so she has a very nice designer pair that all her friends want to try on :roll: so eventually it will be cool for her, and they didnt cost me much more than the kiddie ones.

Specsavers are great, they even know Lou by name now because we have been in there so many times for repairs and they will replace them if they are beyond repair to, cant fault them at all.
My little girl had to wear glasses from the age of around 2 1/2. I know exactly how you feel. I was absolutely devastated. I remember sitting at my desk in floods of tears :oops: She is also long sited, as I am.

When she started school, I was surprised to find that there were about four of them, all with little specs. It made me feel a lot better, to know she wasn't on her own. To be honest, I don't think it would have mattered if she was the only one, because it was NEVER an issue with any of the children.

I was told by the hospital to persevere with her wearing them, because apparently, the sight can improve up until the age of around eight. Her sight did improve and she now only wears glasses if she is concentrating on work. Never for leisure time and at home.

It's not the end of the world, although it may feel like that initially. Good luck flower and persevere with her wearing them. :hug:
Oh yeah, I had a lazy eye and am long sighted and wore glasses from the age of 3. My eyesight improved so much that I don't need them anymore so wearing them can improve eyesight dramatically! :cheer:
Becky said:
Oh yeah, I had a lazy eye and am long sighted and wore glasses from the age of 3. My eyesight improved so much that I don't need them anymore so wearing them can improve eyesight dramatically! :cheer:

:dance: :dance:
my daughter had lazy eyes. she was operated on at the age of 3. she had to wear glasses for a while to correct the second eye from then on. she stopped wearing them at about 5. but when at check ups and stuff, there were lots of kids being checked and wearing glasses. it's more common than you think. and as you say, at least it's now and not when she's bigger! i was 13ish when i had to start wearing glasses for reading, i had the mic taken out of me all the time when i put em on, where as those who already had em were ignored, iykwim?

and i also think kids look really cute with glasses :D you should be proud of yourself you've got her sorted now before problems occur like headaches, not being able to write coz she can't see etc. :clap:

good luck to you both.
its understandable to be upset :hug: Wheni found out Beth was going to have glasses i cried my eyes out! No one could understand it...

Beth has bad sight in both eyes, but she also has a squint in her left eye (which she's had an op on...it didnt work :roll: :( ) The glasses keep the eye straight but her vision in it isnt wonderful...worse than in the other eye. Looks like she'll always have to have glasses.

No one at her school has ever mentioned the fact that she has glasses so theres been no bullying, and a suprising amount of sprogs have them! And the frames and that you can get nowadays are lovely. Beths got some nice pink ones on the NHS :D

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