Thank you for all your messages girls, they mean a lot to me..
Well i went to the hospital place early again this morning, they saw me at 10am, and put 4 horrid tablets inside me, i really do believe this is how an abortion works. Its horrible.
About 20 minutes later i started bleeding SO much, i passed a lot of blackish coloured blood clots, and a little skin coloured blob which ithink wsa the baby, had a lot of blood on it too. Argh i dont like it
Was ridiculously painful, its eased off a lot now though. Ive been taking 2 cocodamol every 4 hours which is helping with pain a lot. ive had two baths today too. I just cant get my head around this really, its so unpleasant. i wish it wasnt happening, but i know it probably wasnt meant to be. Ive got to start taking antibiotics tonight for the next week. They gave me the pill Cillest as well to start taking tomorrow, which i thought was far too soon but apparently not.
Well.. Thank you all for your amazing support, and i'll definitely be popping on here every now and again to check how you are all doing and how far you all are with your pregnancies etc.. Lets hope the next time you hear from me properly will be in the TTC section in about 2 or 3 years time
Take care, and i hope you all have healthy pregnancys..