Back :( update pg4


Well-Known Member
May 16, 2008
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Well.. I'm back now. I feel so confused...

They scanned me again, not internally this time which was better. But they said ive had a missed miscarriage. What the hell is a missed miscarriage? how did i miss it? i really don't know what it is.

Apparently theres only a bit of yolk in the sac, and the bleeding is increasing in my uterus.. I have had more bleeding today as well.. Really not seeing how its a missed miscarriage, becuase i didnt miss it, i had blood. What the hell.

I got there early, at like 10.45, and they saw me at 10.50 which is odd for them to see me so early. They had a chat to me etc and said how sorry they were, like its going to help. Ah i dunno. i just feel so shit now.

Then they gave me some really really random tablet. the name begins with M, cant remember it. they said they give it to you to stop your body from keeping what evers left in your uterus, and it cuts off the hormones or something horrible like that. I imagine it to be like something they give you for an abortion, as it seems to be doing the same thing.

Apparently tomorrow i will get heavy heavy bleeding and cramps and then all the lining of my uterus will go back to its pre-pregnancy state. They even precribed me a differnt make of contraceptive pill because i explained that i didn't plan this pregnancy and was going to go on the pill again etc. Its so weird - about 2 hours ago i was pregnant and a bit worried because i'd had bleeding, but now i'm not pregnant and i have to "give birth" to whatever is left in me. How did this happen. They said they don't know. ive got to go back tomorrow morning, at 10.15 (or 10.30 cant remember) for them to givbe me ANOTHER tablet. then in a weeks time they will scan me again.

I feel so bad... it was only last week that i made that post in the relationships section saying how i felt so unsure about this baby, but literally a few hours later any horrid thoughts had left my mind :cry: i wanted this baby SO SO much, and i had such plans for it.. my family were actually being fine about it, even my OH.. but no. now its not here. now its gone.
so so sorry hun i dont know what to say :hug: :hug: :hug:

stay strong xxxxxxx
Oh Beth I am so sorry to hear your news, I can't think of what to say to you but I just want to :hug: you right now. Stay strong and when the time is right for you I'm sure it will happen and we will be here to share it with you.

All my love,

Sarah xxx
Hi Hun,

I am soo sorry :hug:

i found when i miscarried in 2006 it was such a shock and a horrible thing that i never asked the questions i should have. I never really found out what happened and why.

I had no cramps, no bleeding or anything. But at a 7 week scan they couldn't see anything. And whicked me off for a d&c the next day. And said i may lose one of tubes!

So in the end i was focusing on keeping my tubes and it wasn't till after the reality hit.

I didn't deal with it well and had loads of time off work. But it helped to talk to similar people who had been through the same.

feel free to chat if you need to and if you have any questions write them down so tomorrow you can ask them.

Again i'm so sorry hun. nothing i say can take the pain away.

Awwww Beth hun, i'm so sorry to hear that, that's awful. Bless you and keep your chin up. xx
Beth i'm so sorry- keep strong hun, i don't know what to say
i hope you are ok..remember we are here for a chat anytime.
:hug: :hug: i don't know why these things happen, nature is so cruel
Oh sweetheart, I am so so sorry to hear your horrible news, you must be devastated. I had a missed miscarriage about 8 years ago now and I remember how painful it was for me at the time, it broke my heart as I was so excited about being pregnant like you were.

I'm glad your with your family who can give you all the love and support you need at this horrible time in your life.

Take care honey and you know we're all here for you if you need us. I'm sending you a big hug :hug: hoping it makes you feel a little better Becks xx

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