Back to work tomorrow


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2010
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I have no idea how I am gonna get through it. :-( I can't stomach ppl asking I just wanna be on my own. I didn't want anyone to know but spas my manager blurted it out to everyone. Last time they were saying I must be doing something wrong to have 2 now I've had 3 so I know they'll be slagging me off and I haven't got the strength to ignore it ATM.
Very bad manners on behalf of the manager to do that MrsMc..........:wall2:

Personally I would go to work as normal, don't make conversation if you don't want to and if anyone asks just politely say it's not something you wish to discuss at the moment, but you appreciate their concern.

Have a :hug: from me hunny xx
Wow MrsMc, I am so disgusted with your place of work!! How dare they treat you like that!! :(

I really hope that they don't stick their noses in to what is NOT their business - personal life and personal health should never have to be brought into the office and quite frankly I think your manager is a disgrace!

:pray: that tomorrow and this week aren't too hard for you as you ease back into things :hugs: :hugs:

I think Cazza has given good advice there, just wanted to wish you luck hun xx
Good luck hun. Your manager sounds like a truly horrible human being :( she defo shouldn't be telling.people your business! X


Have you had a back to work interview yet?
Hugs to you, can't find any words, but hope we can bring comfort and support xxxx
Got sent home gonna go back to dr see if she will sign me off for a bit longer! How long is long enough tho?
Your work are treating you horribly, I'd start writing my cv and looking to go elsewhere. I hope you are ok xxx
I think your manager is disgusting, that's terrible!

Dr should sign you off, they usually will do for 4 weeks initially and see how you go. Just tell th dr that you can't face work the moment, you've been sent home and you need some time to recover. I would also look for another job tbh, they sound like a dog with a bone. This happened to my OH and I'm glad he got out of it.
He is so much happier. Tbh though I would get some advice of ACAS I think you would def have a case for constructive dismissal if you ended up being pushed out.
Thanks. Atleast they can't use it against me for disciplinary
so sorry ur work have been treating you like this its totally unacceptable. think iv got a blighted ovum mrs mc as they couldnt see any yolk or embryo in sac. just waiting for blood result but isnt looking good and theyve told me to expect the worst. so i understand how hard it is with just that, but my work dont know so cant imagine what its like to have them all talking. stay strong and actively look to move on, i doubt they will be sympathetic with your next pregnancy when u have scans and midwife appts etc. ud be better off somewhere with better ethics x
Aw babe I am so sorry I really hope they r wrong and u just have a shy bean or u are earlier than u thought. Big hugs babe
thanx hun xx i doubt it but would love it if all worked out, dont think it will x hope u have this week off to try not to worry about work and to try and come to terms with things xxx it must be awful for you an oh. have u heard any more about being refered for tests to stop it happening again? x
MrsMc, your employer has done so much wrong, deffo can claim constructive dismissal if it leads to it! i would put a grievance in against her for that. what a bitch!! x
The first thing she said to me yesterday was "are u still pregnant or what?"
Blimey MrsMc!! I've been following this thread and your other work thread, I cannot believe the way your boss has been treating you!

I really feel like :strangle: your boss!!

She sounds like an utter b****!! Can you not make a complaint about her to a union or HR or something?

Is there any way you can transfer or anything like that??

I really feel for you hun, you deserve to be treated so much better than this. :hugs:

x x
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My job is so specialist so it is hard to go anywhere else but i have complained many times. Orient personal tho she wrote a letter to my friend saying about disciplinary action whenshe was unconscious in intensive care after being brutally beaten. I just dont think she knows how to managevery well

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