back to back


Well-Known Member
Jan 25, 2010
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Got told last week off the mw that baby is back to back, now everybody I have told at the school etc have told me how bad it can be,
is anybody elses baby back to back?
or has anybody given birth back to back and how did you find it?
Both of my boys were back to back and going into labour they were the same. I was encouraged to stand up and rock back and forth and side to side. Not sure if my first turned in time but my 2nd didn't and was born face up. Both were pretty quick labours and I did find the pain bearable. Hope this helps xx
i went for my 40 week appointment the other day lanny and been told my baby is back to back aswell. I have been non stop trying to get him to turn on my ball sleeping on my left side and going out constant walks hopefully he decides to turn because i dont look forward in giving birth to a back to back baby heard it really painful and labour can last for hours:(
My DS was back to back all the way through and I didnt feel any contractions at the front of my stomach, all were in my back. Unfortunately, DS tried to turn himself as he came down the birth canal, the Dr couldnt tell which way he was facing and although he crowned he got himself stuck then I started off with chest pain from pre-eclampsia so had an emergency section.
If he hadnt have got stuck he would have come out face up but seems his nose was facing 2 o'clock position so he had no chance of coming out....
i dont think its too much to worry about, colbi was back to back bbut slighly to my left and my labour was normal frontal pain and slightly in my back nearer birth but didnt have any problems at all :) x
Yeah honestly its nothing to worry about. Chances are baby will turn during labour but if it doesn't then i wouldn't i said i coped fine with the pain and still had relatively easy labours. 1h 50mins with the 1st and 4 hours with my 2nd..I might be just one of the lucky ones though!
i do hope my baby decides to turn before birth as i will proably panick if he hasnt lol
thanks everybody,
im hoping with it being my 3rd even if it stays back to back it shouldnt make much difference but you cant help but worry can you, my labour with dolly was only a few hours so I had really got my hopes up this one would be fast too.
I've been on all fours today lol so that might do some good.

adele hope baby moves for you it just summit more you could do without worrying about before the big day xxx
My Oscar was back to back, and it was different, more in my bum than anything but not so much worse... i don't think x

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