Had my 31 week antenatal this morning and everything is looking good, baby healthy and happy. The MW said that baby is already in the head down position but she's "back to back", meaning her back is facing my back. The MW said it would be more ideal if her back was facing away from mine, as otherwise it can make labor longer. I've been told to try and sit forward more and do things like swimming, to encourage her to turn! We'll find out if it's worked at my 34 week appointment.
Anyone else have a baby which was laying like this? I bet she won't switch positions now, I think she's got herself comfortable! Oops!
At least she's head down! 
My son was in the ideal position for birth and was never back to back - this one's obviously going to be more awkward

Anyone else have a baby which was laying like this? I bet she won't switch positions now, I think she's got herself comfortable! Oops!

My son was in the ideal position for birth and was never back to back - this one's obviously going to be more awkward