Baby's sleeping arrangements


Well-Known Member
Jan 29, 2007
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I was just wondering how long baby needs to sleep in the same room as hubby and I. Also will I be better off buying a moses basket for them to sleep in at first? how long can they sleep in a moses basket?
Ellie was only in her moses basket for a few weeks as she started thumping the side of it as if to say - this is too confining. However some babies use them for a lot longer. They are very handy in those first few weeks as you can bring it down with you.

It is recommended that your LO sleep in your room until 6months. However we didn't have room for a cot in our room and put Ellie in her own from from day one. The choice is yours.
Hi babyroo,

Jacob is 4 months and he is still in his moses basket next to me at night. I would definitely recommend you get one as we take ours when visiting friends/family and its really handy. Also when they are newborn, you can move it downstairs to let them sleep in it during the day.

We are going to have to move him into his cot in the next few weeks because his feet nearly touch the end! :(
I agree a moses basket is handy but they do grow out of it so quick!

As for the room thing......Stanley was with us the full 6 months and I only moved him over because he filled the crib. HE'S fine in his own room, but I miss him :(

6 months is the recommendation but it is just that. Lots of mums move baby earlier, do what suits you. Unless you live in a mansion he's probably just a step over the landing anyway :D
My DS was in the moses basket in the room with us for three months. He was such a fidget and a loud gurgler that I got no sleep at all with him in our room, so at 3 months he went into a cot in his own bedroom. He settled instantly (I think i was still swaddling him then) and I started to get some good sleep for myself too which was a lifesaver!!
Charlie went in to his own room at 7 weeks, he was out his moses basket about a week later, i couldnt stand all the noise he made when he was in our room, he was quite happy but just liked to grunt and snort a lot which meant i got no sleep, it was worse than hubby's snoring!!! He was too big for his moses basket by about 12 weeks old
Jamies still in our room but thats cos we r livin in the in laws house lol,
but with my next baby s/he will definitely be in their own room after 6mths!!!
Thea was 3 months when she out grew her moses basket. She still sleeps in our room in her cot but the room is big enough to do that easily.

Richard wants us to move her into her own room now but i dont want to!
Lydia was in her moses basket in our room until 4 months.
We then moved her into her cot, but still in our room.

She is currently 18 months old and STILL in our room ;)

We're moving house soon (hopefully before we have the new baby), so when we do, she will then be getting her own room.

It is recommended that you keep your baby in the same room as you for 6 months as it is safer (SIDS wise).
We had Logan in our room with us in a moses basket until he was 2 months old then I put him down for a nap in his big cot and he slept all night! Since then he has been in his own room.... he sleeps much better....
I am going to keep Jake in the moses basket in our room until he is 6 months old and then he will go in his cot in his nursery. It says in the leaflets you get that the safest place for a baby to sleep is in a cot or a moses basket in your room for the first 6 months. If you buy a moses basket then I would suggest getting one with a rocking stand.
I had a rocking crib in our room, much bigger than a moses basket, then when Brody outgrew that he stayed in our room in a travel cot! He "moved out" at about 8-9 months.
Hannah is 19 months and still in our room
They say 6 months with u in ur room. And they are not in moses baskets for long...used mine for about 2 weeks or so.

And as for sleeping arrangements...pfft that will go down the drain if your baby catches a cold and you feel sorry...they end up in bed with u and u try bloody getting them out of it haha.
Lennon can still fit in his moses basket (he slept in that last weekend when he stayed at mum's for the weekend) but here he sleeps in his cot and he's been in his own room since he was 2 weeks old
Arianna was in a rocking crib until she was about 2 mths then I put her in her cot in her own room.

I started putting her down for her daytime naps in her cot so she would get used to it first tho.

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