Baby's movements for the first time.


Well-Known Member
May 18, 2016
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Hey ladies, I may sound silly as this is my fifth baby but forgot what baby's first movements feel like. I'm 20 weeks and tonight for the first time I feel as if a can feel my baby move, the movements are low down, like bikini line low. Is this where the movements are felt at this stage in pregnancy. Eeeeek am excited been waiting to feel him move seems like it's been forever. :) x
Hey Hun. I've just replied on December mums.
I feel baby anywhere between my Pubic bone and belly button. Sometimes gives me a swift bladder kick already haha xx

Aww lovely! I miss feeling my babies move about! With my second he hurt the life out of me by the end. I couldnt wait to get him out! Xx
17 weeks almost with second baby and I'm not sure whether I have felt any. Sometimes I think I feel something but I'm not convinced it's not bowel movement etc. First pregnancy I had an anterior placenta so your supposed to feel less. Not sure if I'll have a bit of a shock this time but so far nothing. Myabe I have an anterior placenta again!
Awe princess yeah it's harder to feel movements with th placenta at the fromt, I'm convinced that this placenta is at front as I've not felt anything since the other day. I'm 21weeks on wed and worries me the movements got my 20week scan tomorrow tho so going to ask about everything. I honestly feel like a first time mum even tho this is my 5th little boy. Maybe a don't feel much either with having a busy lifestyle. X
I think I felt something today, really wasn't expecting it this early, but there were just suddenly tiny flutters, almost like a bubble popping, and definitely in my uterus, not digestive system. As it's my first pregnancy I could of course he wrong, but it's was quite amazing.

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Hi, I'm 16 weeks pregnant and I can feel movement already. :) It's cool. :) I just felt movement as I'm typing this. :bump:
No movement yet for me! Placenta is anterior though
Yeah mines anterior too Laura, I'm 21*5 and literally felt him the once a posted this and that's it, ano he's ok tho was loads of movement on scan but couldn't feel any of it at all. Complete madness. Midwife said that I might notice it around the 24 week mark x

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