Baby's head engaged 2-3/5


Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2006
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Morning All,

Been to my MW app this morning, and my bump was only measuring 32cm (I'm 35+5)....then MW said, but don't let that worry you - its because her head is 2-3/5th engaged :shock: oh ok then!! :shock:

What does this actually mean? I know it means she's moving down into my pelvis (although naughtily back to front so I've got to try to get her to turn as we're back to back)....but does this mean things will happen soon? Or in the next 2-3 weeks/ 3-4 weeks? Or does it have no relevance at all on time?

Just thought I'd ask for opinions.....might post this in ask a mum too

Hope all ladies & bumps are doing well :hug:
I was 3-5ths engaged at like 35 weeks and i had a show and im still here 1 week late LOL
I dont think it means anything but everyones different hopefully its good for you :)
Thanks Becks, I hope Riley puts in an appearance VERY soon for you............ :hug:
haha shes becoming a joke now though lol
i really thought when i had a big show at about 35 weeks she was on her way :(
Ive taken raspberry leaf tablets everyday too :(
Hope she comes in a calmer way than that new piccie in your sig - lol :lol:

She's just fashionably late.........I really feel for you though hun, i can't begin to imagine how frustrated you must be feeling, I am dreading going overdue :hug: sending you a lorry load of labour dust

*****LABOUR DUST******
hey Em! :wave:

Wow 3/5 engaged already!

apparently from what I've read your first baby can become fully engaged weeks before birth and subsequent pregnancies tend to happen during labour.

I'm confused about this as I didn't have B&T naturally last time will I be under the first baby catergory or the second? :think:

Anyway, 3/5 is on the way there Em! Maybe Libby will shock us and not be late after all! :hug:
I know - I secretly hope so......can't wait for her to get here now and as much as I would love her to make her appearance on 4th April because its my nans birthday, I wouldn't complain if she surprised us :wink:

I think you fall under 2nd pg, as what I have read up on this afternoon (couldn't resist googling), its the abdominal muscles that determine the first/ second pg theory, as with first your stomach hasn't been stretched before.

So don't worry if Sammy's not engaged - he may reserve that for Labour Day!! :cheer:

Hope it means somthing good for you !!
I hope so too, the last few times that I've been he's free but today he felt so heavy when I was walking around the city but that may just be because I did a bit too much walking!

I think it is so exciting to see which of us will pop first! :cheer:

Fingers crossed Libby will hold out until the 4th April!

I have so many dates that Sam has to avoid,well 2 actually :rotfl:

4th, I already know 4 people with b'days that day and 20th April,ex hubbys! :x

If he decides to be late 18th April is my nans b'day and she's so excited about him comig so that could be ice I suppose....oooh and I want to avoid Fri 13th! :shock:
I just wanna avoid April Fools Day :rotfl: they are having a sweep at work, and almost everyone has me down for then :shakehead:
Emmylou said:
I just wanna avoid April Fools Day :rotfl: they are having a sweep at work, and almost everyone has me down for then :shakehead:

:shock: never thought of that one!

Ok then days to cross my legs, 1st,4th,13th.20th April :rotfl:
kirlykird said:
Emmylou said:
I just wanna avoid April Fools Day :rotfl: they are having a sweep at work, and almost everyone has me down for then :shakehead:

:shock: never thought of that one!

Ok then days to cross my legs, 1st,4th,13th.20th April :rotfl:

then you better avoid sex for the last few weeks too.....poor A!! :rotfl:

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