2/5 engaged...what does that actually mean?!


Well-Known Member
Dec 10, 2009
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I had my 36wk app this morning and the mw has written in my notes '2/5 engaged, cephalic'. I know the cephalic bit means it's facing the right direction but am confused about the 2/5 bit! Some places say you count up from 0/5 (not engaged at all) to 5/5 (completely engaged) and others say it's the other way round (5/5 not engaged, 0/5 completed engaged).

Does anyone know which is right? If so what does being 2/5 engaged actually mean in terms of how long it will take for bubs to make an appearance?

cheers guys!
:yay: oh thats fab. If baby is cephalic and started to engage, I think that means he/she wont turn breech now :yay: sorry Im a bit confused about the 2/5 thing too, I THINK its 2/5th to go...so youre over half way engaged. Im sure someone will tell me if im wrong!
well, it's good news it won't go breech, anyway! That's always been a worry!!
yeah me too. one midwife wrote "?breech" in my medical notes when i was in hospital and I nearly passed out when I read it. The next midwife wrote cephalic without a question mark so Im going with that one!!!

Ive been paranoid since a new community midwife kindly informed me, when I was pleased that baby was cephalic, that because his heads not engaged he could always turn any minute. :wall: thanks very much love!!!
This is how I understand it..............
I think there's some confusion around 5/5th engaged and 5/5th palpable. Basically when engaged the first number is how much of the baby's head is down in the pelvis, but when palpable the first number can is how much of the baby's head the midwife can feel above the pelvis . If baby is not engaged the head is said to be 'free' or 5/5ths palpable. Then when baby starts to drop it'll be 1/5th engaged or 4/5ths palpable, then 2/5ths engaged and 3/5ths palpable. So when fully engaged the baby will be 5/5ths engaged, or 0/5ths palpable. That's my understanding anyway, hope it makes some sense!
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they really make it complicated dont they!!!
Baby can still turn even when there head is engaged they can unengage and turn but think its rare. Glad to see your babys being good and is preparing to meet you :) x
I had my midwife appointment today, and last time baby was 4/5ths engaged and this time she was 3/5ths engaged and the midwife said she had moved further down. So! Im taking it as, if you're 2/5ths engaged...then little babys got their head nice and cosy down there lol. :)
Sounds like babe is nice and snug - i'm 3/5 and was 4/5ths the week before so your babe is well nestled!
This is how I understand it..............
I think there's some confusion around 5/5th engaged and 5/5th palpable. Basically when engaged the first number is how much of the baby's head is down in the pelvis, but when palpable the first number can is how much of the baby's head the midwife can feel above the pelvis . If baby is not engaged the head is said to be 'free' or 5/5ths palpable. Then when baby starts to drop it'll be 1/5th engaged or 4/5ths palpable, then 2/5ths engaged and 3/5ths palpable. So when fully engaged the baby will be 5/5ths engaged, or 0/5ths palpable. That's my understanding anyway, hope it makes some sense!

that makes sense to me. thankyou! i never knew what it meant either :oops: xx
Hmm, not sure how accurate my understanding is by the sounds of it.

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