Baby won't drink anything but milk!

Not to be sterotypical but usually they dont have any kids of their own and if they did theyr all older and raised in a totally different time frame. Now days if a report or study is done its the law. But its nonsense. Babies come in varieties as does parenting styles.

I asked my HV about my hair falling out after I had J and I got back "for some unknown reason we grow hair when we are pregnant I think it stems from the caveman days when we needed our hair but it grows and falls out." i answered, I believe the unknown reason for hair growth is called hormones? She then says Jackson would reach a speed of 30mph in a baby walker and crash and come out... So I stopped taking advice from her :lol:

Jackson has turned out fab and we only see HV for the required check ups/jabs. Anything else its the GP and even then I tell them what I need for him and its worked out fine. I have been told a few times that stuff I have did wasnt correct but hes healthy and happy. :lol:

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My LO always had milk wayyy beyond the limit.. I couldn't force him to eat, I've always led him lead me, perhaps the follow on milk is an idea if eating is going well there's less calories the more stages you go up. I'm stuck with toddler milk 1-2 years cause 2-3 makes him wake so very often, I don't give him extra dairy unless it's added/mixed into the food.

I've stopped giving him yoghurts and yoghurt drinks because he's having just above 500 mls a day still on formula and it makes him sick having too much. Fruit is always full of water so that's a good snack if you want to top up on fluids.

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