baby urge...


Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2006
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i have this massive urge to have another baby mollys only 2months old but shes so lovely, i like being a mum of three but i have other prospects like a career but i just find myself wanting another one i thought i would stop wanting babies after having a girl problem is my partners the same he wants more but i know i should wait a few years untill i have a job my partner has a good wage and hes been told hes going to get a pay rise next year but babies cost a lot and we have three cant help that butterflies in my stomach feeling when i think about another little possum tho.
aww hun, i know how you feel, i want another babie already i have wanted one since kacy was a couple of months old
I've been feeling broody since a couple days after Ella was born (couldn't even consider DTD though :shock: :lol: ).

I guess it's hormones :? I've been feeling monster broody this month! :D
Kina r u TTC??? How xciting! :dance:
Yea this is the first 'proper' month (now I know my approx cycle length). I think this is my most fertile time now and over the next couple days, so I need some energy :lol:
Kina said:
I've been feeling broody since a couple days after Ella was born (couldn't even consider DTD though :shock: :lol: ).

I guess it's hormones :? I've been feeling monster broody this month! :D

congrats on ttc very exciting! :D i think i need to overcome my broodiness for at least another 6 months
all my family think im crazy though they all say is this the last one then?
i thought after having molly it would be but shes making me more broody shes growing up too quick i cant hold on to it seems like yesterday i bought her home :cry:

she better hurry up and start keeping me up at night im sure ill change my mind then :? she sleeps through at the moment :)

I'm really broody too but have my work cut out with this one so waiting 2 more years
Kim I'm waiting til Seren is 2, we can be pregnant at the same time
awww lots of babies yay and ur girls are so cute too what do you want this time another girl or boy??

Ill probley be waiting until jamie is 2 too! yay we can be preg roughly the same time beanie and Kim !! :cheer: :cheer:

would love another right now though as im soooooooo broody!!!!!
glad its not just me! i thought i was crazy :roll: i just luv babies

Yeah me too. I think there must be something that hits in at about 3 months, hormones or maybe just things getting manageable enough for you to realise how great your baby is and actually want more but a lot of people seem to get broody about then. I haven't stopped being broody from that point onwards- it's funny as before I got pregnant I was really broody (crying at kids doing cute things etc) but during pregnancy I wasn't at all like that and kind of felt hoodwinked! Lol! But as soon as the dust settled at 3 months I'm back to being broodier than ever. We'll probably wait until next Spring until TTC though so that would make Elliott 2 1/2 + if it all went according to plan. Just have to lose the baby weight first- bah! Still at least it's an incentive!

p.s. having said that about hormones my OH is just as bad as me- he gets v excited when we see newborns out and about so maybe it's just the incredible cuteness of babies!
I wanted another baby when Phoebe was about 4mths old. I think it must be related to our hormones!!

Now though, I definately don't want another one yet. I want to enjoy getting to know Phoebe and get her to a stage where she is walking and talking so that she can be a part of my next pregnancy.

May not go like that though!! Who knows!! We're all different and I say Do whatever makes you happy :lol:

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