Baby Signing

Squiglet said:
This is how lil miss does it.. . ... re=related

I'll get a vid of her actually signing one day... but I've usually got a boob in her head which makes it difficult then she just wants to play with the camera.. :roll:

Ooo and if you want to feel inspired.. :)

OMG thats fantastic. Are there any decent on line videos to teach it as where we live there's no tesco for at least a 40 minute drive nevermind having signing classes :roll:
I'll be in work on Monday so will pick up my Makaton manual and make a few copies of the basic signs if anyone is interested.
lol my copy of the makaton books 25 years old :rotfl:

If you can get a copy of the makaton book... deffo get it.. but you can also google "ASL signs".. ... ncepts.htm for example...

I tend to use a mix of both... for example the makaton sign for mum and dad is really complex for a baby while the ASL is much easier... however I think the sign for "more" in makaton is far easier for babies to use than the asl sign... so I tend to mix it if I come across a sign that I think is too difficult. :D
so if i was doing for eg the mum sign would i do it with my left hand for leela to copy me with her right hand or just do it with my right hand if you get wot i mean
I use either... as I carry lil miss a lot and it depends what hand I have free... but I'm right handed so I will predominately use my right hand. Lil miss will generally use her right hand which makes me think shes right handed.
ah right, so it doesn't really matter then! i get so technical about stuff like this lol
Just do it with whatever hand you write with/are most comfortable with, makes life a whole lot easier. You should see my copy of the makaton book squig, it's a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy etc and had various bits ripped out of it/eaten by kids I've taught over the last few years :lol:
Just a bumpity bump girlies, managed to track it down (and the "animals" manual too!) and made a couple of copies. Drop me a PM if you still want and I can send :)

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