Baby names


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2010
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For some reason it has only just occurred to me that I have less than 50 days to go and still haven't decided on a name (or even a shortlist of names!) for my little boy. Starting to worry now......especially since DD was 6 weeks early!

How far on are you and have you picked a name yet? Anyone else in the same situation? x
We are team yellow and we managed to agree on first names and middle names for both a boy and a girl 3 weeks ago.

I am sure you will think of some hun x
We're yellow too and have our names picked out :)
We're pink and at almost 37 weeks have got a short list of two.
i still had a list of 4 names when she was born lol x
We picked our boys name and middle names when I was about 12 weeks lol & weve got a couple of girls names in mind

Using tapatalk so excuse the typos!
We have chosen ours, think it is unlikely that we will change our minds but you never know! My best friend had a few names and decided once the baby had been born.

Wow, you had DD 6 weeks early, that's a scary thought as I have just over 6 weeks to go now! Was you expecting DD to come early? x
Not expected at all. I developed severe pre-eclampsia very suddenly. I actually had a GP appointment as I had bad eczema when pregnant last time round and it was just a routine appointment for more steroid cream. That morning I had very slight swelling of my face so I mentioned it to my Dr who took my blood pressure and told me to go straight up to hospital, I then had an emergency c section a few hours later. Starting to get a little nervous it might happen again! x
Wow, glad it all worked out well for you. I'm sure you will be fine this time around. x
We dont have firm names picked, we have a list of names that we kind of like, but even they aren't agreed. DH had picked a name that he really liked but has now decided he's not sure, so we're going to wait to see what Pickle looks like. If we cant decide he'll be Pickle for a few days more ha ha!
We still can't agree on a name.

Had decided on a girls name but we are team blue so that's not much help really!!!

We have a girl's name and a boy's name picked out but still trying to settle on middle names. We're open minded though because we know when he/she comes they might not suit the names we have. We couldn't agree on a shortlist though! If it doesn't suit him/her we'll just play around with some names til one sticks I guess!!
We love the name Cody, it means helper and gaelic how sweet
we're team blue and have had the first name picked since before even finding out the sex lol. only just got the middle name secured though!
so we will be welcoming little Dexter Saul Coupland into the world soon :) x
I've had all the names picked out since i was 12 years old xD and Joshua was one of them so that's what I've named him :)
Joshua Dean Hall will be arriving in the world in a week and a half :)
The pleasant way to select baby name is to sit with family members in a big hall and ask your parents and life partners to discuss about baby names. That will be a happier moment for family members. You can also visit some naming websites like BABYNOLOGY.
We have a short list of 4 names and are going to wait until the baby is born to see which suits her best
We have no idea!! Considering she's due in less than 2 weeks it's slightly worrying! Guess we will see what she looks like.
We were all set with a boys name but turns out baby is a girl lol! I think it's harder to think of girls names. I think we have a first name but not decided and I keep changing my mind x
we were the same with a girls name. were actually delighted when we found out it was a boy purely because we knew what we'd call him haha xx

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