
Im no where near picking a name we did have a few but have changed our mines so im hoping it will come to us when she arrives.
Because this our first born we have already got the names as they are traditional in our family. Both the names are really old fashioned and the girls name is really looooooooooooong but they both shorten down to lovely names. I just wish I know what to call it while it is still inside me!!!!!
You know mine but for those who dont

It Collier... (my dearly missed Grandads surname, my Mam's Dad)
David ...James Dad middle name (let him have this i picked first name)
Phillips.. (as a middle name it's my Surname you all know im not married so i want my surname in my son name)
Wiggins... (James Surname)

Collier David Phillips Wiggins
weve got our boys name and 2 girls names but theyre a secret :shhh:

i met this lady at the birth unit today and she said her grandson was called killian. i said oh thats different is it scottish? she said no her son is called ian and his girlfriend wanted to kill him thus- killian :shock: i thought she was pulling my leg but she wasnt :rotfl:
we're calling our bubba Isabelle Marie..... I hope they got the sex right at the scan cos if she turned out to be a boy i have NO idea what we'd call him. We've never really discussed boys names :lol:
nathanmum said:
weve got our boys name and 2 girls names but theyre a secret :shhh:

i met this lady at the birth unit today and she said her grandson was called killian. i said oh thats different is it scottish? she said no her son is called ian and his girlfriend wanted to kill him thus- killian :shock: i thought she was pulling my leg but she wasnt :rotfl:

:shock: :shock: :shock: :rotfl: :rotfl:
*jumping in from 2nd tri in the hope it wont be too scary to move this way lol*

She's going to be Harleigh Eden we want it hypenated but she'll only be known as Harleigh, even now she's getting just Harls lol. BUt if she doesnt look like a Harleigh, she'll end up being Willow-Grace (deffo with a hyphen)

it would be wrong to change her name now though, so she better look like a Harleigh lol
Full name for mine is
Anjali Kaur Kinsella Kalsi

Anjali is a name i found when i started looking through indian girls names (didnt even get past the A's lol) and we both liked it straight away cos it sounds pretty like a shortened Angelina-jolie

Kaur is the traditional middle name given to Sikh girls (boys get Singh) . I cant say its something i would have chosen myself ! but my OHs family is sikh so its out of respect for that. It means Swan Princess

Kinsella is my maiden name, i've lost it now im married so i wanted to continue the name somehow

Kalsi our surname, obviously!

so really she has one first name and 3 surnames, but i could hardly stick in a second forename with all that lot lol :lol:

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