Baby movement


Well-Known Member
Jun 4, 2012
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At what week did everyone first feel their baby move?
Im 17 weeks tomorrow and im sure iv started feeling him move. First it felt like bubbles popping and now every so often i can just 'feel' something in my tummy.
Its my first so i dont know what its supposed to feel like but i so hope its little baby moving :)
I am 15 weeks on tuesday. And over the last few days I have had "pop-corn" in my stomach. Just feels like the sound pop corn makes then goes away again. Only lasts for 30 seconds at a time. I am not sure if this is baby moving or what, deffo not wind tho, it feels the same place I have been getting the "pulling pains" - which the Midwife says is my uterus growing.. :/ Help!?
I felt baby at about 18 weeks with my first, which I think is 'the norm' so at 17 weeks it probably is baby you can feel - Yay :pompom:
Soon the little movements that you are unsure about will become proper defined kicks!
It's such an exciting time :):):)
I posted a similar thread when I was 17 weeks LOL, I started to get impatient.

I think I started to feel bub just before 18 weeks, although I wasn't 100% sure.

It is kind of like an involuntary squiggle low down in my abdomen, and I can't think it is anything LOL!

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I am 15 weeks on tuesday. And over the last few days I have had "pop-corn" in my stomach. Just feels like the sound pop corn makes then goes away again. Only lasts for 30 seconds at a time. I am not sure if this is baby moving or what, deffo not wind tho, it feels the same place I have been getting the "pulling pains" - which the Midwife says is my uterus growing.. :/ Help!?

I had the same pulling pains as well. I was worried at first and the misdwife said it was ligament pain. I just took it as a good sign that everything was growing how it should be. X
It is so exiting. Im at midwife on tuesday and so excited to hear the heartbeat!
It just makes it more and more real! Yey!!!
I was 20 weeks the first time I was sure I felt lil one move. I think I may well have felt him before that, but 20 weeks was the first time without a shadow of a doubt I knew it was him moving.

It is just the most amazing feeling ever- he's been so active this evening, I've been well and truly battered from the inside out lol!!

I'm 16 weeks and have felt flutters like bubbles popping or popcorn popping since wk 14. ;) x lovely feeling x

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I get a really weird pulling sensation under my belly button and my belly always goes hard where it happens, it lasts for about a minute then will go squiggy again when I start having a feel! Had a few pops too so hoping it won't be long till I get a kick and hubby can have a feel too :)
I was 19 weeks when I felt tiny kicks. Now it's full on boots. She's going nuts tonight and been kicking oh in the face when he's talking to her. I can't stop laughing! Xx
I was 14+4 when I first felt movement.
It can sometimes feel like little squiggles, nudges or for the past couple of days pressure moving across my tummy (quite weird!)
I didnt feel my LO until about 21/22 weeks to be honest. I am now loving every kick/thud!!! She is a real wriggler!!!!! She is like clockwork too, no matter how many movements I've had throughout the day time (I may feel nothing at all!) , come 10.30pm she wakes up!!! Last night it took her about an hour and a half to settle back down again, keeping me awake!! Little monkey!!!!!x
I didnt feel anything until i was nearly 21 weeks and now shes always dancing away xxx
I didn't feel anything until 21/22 weeks.. I've got an anterior placenta which means that movement isn't usually felt until later on xx

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