baby making on hold :(


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2011
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Hey girls hope you are all ok today

me and bf have been talking as i have been very worried bout how my body is working atm and we have both decided to put baby making on hold until after xmas :( :(

i think its very important that i find out what is going on with my cycles first. i have been spotting before af and this is of course shortening my luthal phase although i am not sure what cd i am ov. but spotting can be a sign low progesterone and this can lead to miscarriages :( i have also had a lack of cm too :(

i have decided that before i go gp i want some proper information for them so they cant just turn me away telling me to come back again once i have found out when (if) im ov sssooooo my plan for the next two months is to do opk's and temps so i can find out more for myself and gp.

i am also going to take epo (for my whole cycles seeing as im not ttc), vit B6 and B12 50mg each (i read somewhere that you are suppose to take equal amounts of B6 and B12??, someone correct me if i am wrong??)

so will be going to gp after xmas with as much info bout my cycles as possible, they may well have sorted themselves out by then anyway fx.

it would have been the best xmas present ever to get our bfp before then but i want to make sure i am in perfect working order before we start trying again.

anyway i hope to seee lots and lots and lots of BFP's before xmas for all the lovely ladies in TTC.

thanks for the advice you have given me so far :)

fx for you all :)
bless you, well done on making a painful decision,

i hope it happens for you soon, nothing wrong with practising while you get some answers ;)
Fx you get sum answers soon, was thinkin of doing the same myself but we decided to carry on ttc but not gunna do anything(opks or testing) now till xmas just guna relax and go with the flow and see what happens as im a bit like you and dont really know whats going on with my body atm.

Michelle. x
frustrating isnt it. you never know going with the flow might work for you hun and you might get your bfp before xmas :) :).

good luck to you xxx
Hope you get to the bottom of it soon hun, I'm on hold too, too many opportunities coming my way at work x
babyg, kudos to you on making such a difficult decision! I am sure everything will turn out perfect at the end of it...

Even I have the same two problems - (1) lack of EWCM (2) light spotting before AF.

With regards to (1), EPO has helped me tremendously!! And carrots and grapefruit juice are also helping. Abt (2), I started taking b6 recently and I think it has increased my LP from 11 to 12 days. I still have spotting - for a short while 2 days before AF, nothing the day after and on the 3rd day AF arrives in full speed. However, charting has helped me here to figure out when exactly my periods start - I now know for sure that its on the day AF arrives (and not on the day of spotting as my temp. is high until that day). As I started taking b6 just a month ago, I am hoping in my next cycle the spotting will disappear...

I plan to start TTC only from Dec (not because of these 2 problems though). Hoping my body will be all set by then. I would recommend taking vitamin b50 (the one from holland and barrett) - the smallest dose to begin with (it has 50mg of b6, some b12 and also 400micro-g folic acid).

Good luck to you!! I am sure charting your BBT will make you more confident and ready to tackle problems, if any!

P.S: Please ignore the structured response... have been writing too many legal essays nowadays :D
Thanks, yea its frustrating esp as my best friend is now pregnant but im hoping a bit of time out to just relax and enjoy the tring part might help lol.

Michelle. x
Sorry you ttc is on hold, i hope all is sorted ready for baby making in early 2012!

a simple 21day blood test will tell you if your short leutal phase and spotting is progesterone related. I'm going for my blood test this week. i have been tryign for 5 cycles but i told gp 6-7 - bad i know - she said i should have come as soon as noticed pattern in my charts as its easily sorted. how many cycles of charts do you have???
babyg, kudos to you on making such a difficult decision! I am sure everything will turn out perfect at the end of it...

Even I have the same two problems - (1) lack of EWCM (2) light spotting before AF.

With regards to (1), EPO has helped me tremendously!! And carrots and grapefruit juice are also helping. Abt (2), I started taking b6 recently and I think it has increased my LP from 11 to 12 days. I still have spotting - for a short while 2 days before AF, nothing the day after and on the 3rd day AF arrives in full speed. However, charting has helped me here to figure out when exactly my periods start - I now know for sure that its on the day AF arrives (and not on the day of spotting as my temp. is high until that day). As I started taking b6 just a month ago, I am hoping in my next cycle the spotting will disappear...

I plan to start TTC only from Dec (not because of these 2 problems though). Hoping my body will be all set by then. I would recommend taking vitamin b50 (the one from holland and barrett) - the smallest dose to begin with (it has 50mg of b6, some b12 and also 400micro-g folic acid).

Good luck to you!! I am sure charting your BBT will make you more confident and ready to tackle problems, if any!

P.S: Please ignore the structured response... have been writing too many legal essays nowadays :D

Thanks for the info and sharing ur experiences hun, my spotting has been 3-5days, 4 days last cycle soo I'm hoping the b6 helps.

Fx u'll get ur bfp xmas positive hun :)
a simple 21day blood test will tell you if your short leutal phase and spotting is progesterone related. I'm going for my blood test this week. i have been tryign for 5 cycles but i told gp 6-7 - bad i know - she said i should have come as soon as noticed pattern in my charts as its easily sorted. how many cycles of charts do you have???

Thanks for the info
Well I've been taking notes of when spotting and af starts since august but have not monitered when I'm ov yet.
Did try doin opks in sept but never got a pos one and they stressed me out so gave up on them
So goin to monitor temps and do opks now so I know what's goin on a bit more, hopefully they will work out for me

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