Baby Jax - My Birth Story


Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2011
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On Sunday night at around 8pm I decided to have a good bounce on my birthing ball for about an hour or so. I noticed that I'd started having a few tightenings and some tummy ache but nothing out of the ordinary so didn't think anything of it. DH and I went to bed at about 10.30pm and I told him that I'd been having a few pains and wasn't sure if things were starting. We watched a bit of TV and tried to get to sleep at about 11pm but I was getting pains every 10 mins or so which were stopping me dropping off to sleep. I said to DH that I thought I'd better watch the TENS machine DVD as I didn't know how to use it yet!! LOL So we watched that and I put it on and started using it straight away. I then went downstairs to watch TV and leave DH to get some sleep as I thought we were in for the long haul (Lennons labour was 37 hours long!). I sat in the lounge on my birthing ball, watching Holby and writing on here to try to take my mind off things and started timing my pains on my phone app. By about 1pm the contractions were getting pretty unbearable and close together and I started having to pace around the kitchen as I couldn't sit still!! I was thinking to myself that I couldn't bare being in that much pain for much longer and I would need to go to hospital to soon and if they told me I was only 2cms dialated then I was having an epidural and NOT being sent home as I was in too much pain!! I finally woke DH up at 2am and told him I needed to go to hospital. I don't think he believed me as last time they kept telling me to hang on longer and that I wasn't in established labour so he told me to go and phone the hospital. I phoned the mw and she heard me have a contraction on the phone and asked me how far apart they were and when I said they are about 3 min apart she told me to go straight in. I got DH up and phoned my step mum to come and babysit for us and we left the house at about 2.20am and got to hostpital by 2.30am. The mw did all my blood pressure etc and then examined me and I was already 8/9cms dialated. I was so relieved as I was fully expecting her to say that I was only 2/3cms and try to send me home! I had a little bit of gas and air while I was being examined and for the last couple of cms. She said when I got the urge to start pushing I could and after 42mins of pushing (with no gas and air), our beautiful little boy Jax was born at 3.50am weighing 7lbs 7oz. I only had to have a couple of tiny 'cosmetic' stitches (she said it was just to make sure that the skin went back together perfectly), nothing major or into the muscle which was fab.

I couldn't have asked for a more perfect labour, especially compared to last time. It was so quick and I managed it with pretty much no pain relief and hardly any 'damage' down below!

We came home on Tuesday afternoon and I'm absolutely loving being a new mummy again - even though it is exhausting and my nipples are as sore as hell!
Wow!! Well done you for getting thru it with hardly any pain relief!! Congrats x
So glad you got a quick and easy labour this time round. Love the name and big congrats to you and your family again xx
Huge congrats hon you did brilliantly. Well done xx
Lovely birth story and you did so well without any pain relief. Bet you were glad it didn't last 37 hours this time. Congratulations x
Photos of my littlest man :)

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Aw wow, awesome labour and what a gorgeous little man!!

aww wow what a great birth story, congratulations and well done sounds like you did brilliantly xx
aww lovely birth and gorgeous baby..congratulations xxx
Congratulations! Inspiring for all those second time mums too. Xx
Aww he's just gorgeous!!!!
Congrats and well done!!
I sooooo want ur labour!!!x

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